Specific Joint Venture Information will Close the Deal

Whenever someone refuses to be specific in any Joint Venture offer, run for the hills. If they use words and phrases like, "More or less", "about", "depending on my costs/margins" "I'll try", they are avoiding commitment and opening the door to stealing your money. Any JV needs to be in writing with very specific numbers, dates, percentages and definitions if it is to work well for both parties. Play the "What if?" game and be very clear as to who does what, why, when and how.
For example, if someone offers you 20% of the sale, do they mean 20% of the gross profit, the net profit or the retail amount? To whom are they to make the check out? When will they pay you? How will they pay you? What if they don't pay you? How long will this arrangement be in place for? How will they track the sales? How will you communicate, and how often? If these questions are answered in advance, in writing, you will have less sleepless nights and more money in your bank account.
Let me give you a simple example of a specific offer.
If you buy a banner advert on our 53 websites, it will cost you just US$99 per month, payable in advance, month to month. You can cancel at the end of any month. Here's what you will get:
DollarMakers.com got over 390,000 page views in December, averaging over 51,000 hits per month (2,655,000 requests for pages in the past year.)
NoMoneyNoRisk.com got 1,660,000 requests for pages this past year with hits around 40,000+ per month. Plus we have 51 Replicator websites, all being promoted.
Bottom line, your $99 banner advert will be displayed a minimum of 496,800 times a month over our websites. Oh, and we have over 8,949 books and e books out there all pointing at our websites, plus a popular Blog that points at our site, our five weekly ezines and numerous other seminars, conference calls, brochures, business cards being promoted by nearly 500 Members worldwide.
Now THAT is specific, and anyone reading that information will probably realize that for $99 per month, it's a great deal.
Be specific and your results will be terrific.
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com