Saturday, August 26, 2006

So You've Got Money Worries?

No Problem. We have a life-line for you.
Stop worrying. Stop lying awake at night.

Your credit is so bad, your Mama and your dog won’t talk with you…
You’re just out of jail and your parole officer hates you more than his Mother-in-Law…
You’re just a kid and you can’t even get a gas station job…
The cash flow in your business isn't flowing at all...
You’re a Senior and you think you’re just too old…
You just lost your job… (Or you want to lose it!)
You have been unemployed for the past 200 years…
You’re stuck at home, looking after kids, parents or others…

Joint Ventures can help you make real money, real fast.
No MLM, no experience required. This is the real thing.

Click here now for more information
And see the Free Information links below...

Free Joint Venture Information

Watch a free 6 minute Video - Click Here

Listen to free, weekly Joint Venture Podcasts - Click here

Listen three, free, one hour Interviews with Robin J. Elliott about Joint Ventures Click here

You can change your Financial Future with Joint Ventures - fast -regardless of your background or circumstances!

Why has society kept this secret from you?

“Ancient Babylonian Money-Making Secret – (Still Used By Fortune 500 Companies And Savvy Entrepreneurs Today) – Allows Anyone To Create Great Wealth Out Of Nothing… Regardless of Your Age, Nationality, Qualifications… Or Sex!”

Whether you’re a “stay-at-home-mom”, an immigrant with little or no job prospects, a kid fresh out of high school who doesn’t know what to do with his life, a doting dad working all hours in a job to support your family, a “senior citizen”… a “lone wolf” entrepreneur or salesperson… you can use this mostly ignored “ancient” money making secret to regain your financial dignity… and “shortcut” your way to creating wealth and financial freedom on “remote control”!

And the real beauty is: You can do it by simply bringing together people and already existing resources -- You don’t need a business of your own… you don’t need a product or service to sell… you don’t need any special “talent”… and it can even be done with no money and no risk!

If you’d like to discover how the world’s most successful businesses and “elite” entrepreneurs use an “ancient” money making secret to create great wealth out of nothing – then this exciting report will show you how to “replicate” their success… regardless of your age, nationality, qualifications… or sex!

Here’s the story:

Since the dawn of trade and commerce… people have been fascinated with the idea of making money without having to slave away working for it.

There have been many great industrialists, magnates of industry and successful entrepreneurs who have created and exploited some of the most brilliant and ingenious money making ideas ever invented.

Ideas that have made many people…

A Lot Of Money
Over The Years!

However, there’s a mostly forgotten “ancient” money-making secret that has been passed on from generation to generation -- now used only by multi-national conglomerates… a handful of “elite” entrepreneurs… and… a few “in the know” public citizens.

A money-making secret that’s so different, so unconventional, and so utterly simple… even veteran business people I explain it to just come over with a look of complete awe. Unable to sit still or contain their excitement.

You see, unlike every other money-making idea or business model -– that requires great effort, discipline, talent, capital, lots of risk… and often years of struggle with nothing to show for your sacrifice… this “ancient” money-making secret allows anyone to…

Create Great Wealth
“Out of Thin Air”!

And although this “ancient” money-making secret is 100% legal, ethical and creates exceptional value to society –- the “powers that be” (like the educational establishment, employers, media and government etc.) definitely do NOT want “ordinary” people knowing about it. Especially people like you and me – because it removes all “financial and geographic” restrictions from our lives.

With that said, once you grasp this “ancient” money-making secret… it will be impossible for you ever to look at life and making money the same again.

It will be impossible for rampant inflation… a downward turn in the economy… or… losing the “security” of your pay check… to ever bother you again.

In fact, I’m betting that one year from now, three years from now, ten years from now… even 20-years from now… you are going to reflect back on the day you arrived at this Blog… and realise… this was the day the most powerful money-making secret that has ever existed…

Was Thrust Upon You!
I'm Robin J. Elliott. I have been using and teaching this proven system for nineteen years. You see, everything I’ve just told you about joint ventures… all the money-making secrets and “inside” information (and a whole lot more)… has been put into my easy-to-read “how to” instruction manual titled:

“Joint Adventures:
How Anyone Can Create Financial
Freedom With No Cost Or Risk,
Using Joint Ventures!”

What makes this instruction manual so different?

The answer is simple:

The information in my instruction manual “Joint Adventures”, is applicable to anyone who wants to make money -- whether it is the CEO of a large company, or an employee, an entrepreneur, a salesperson, a senior citizen, a “stay-at-home-mom”… all the way through to an immigrant with little job prospects and a kid fresh out of high school who doesn’t know what to do with his life.

The principles in my instruction manual “Joint Adventures”, work across the board, as long as human nature, business and money is involved.

So, why am I uniquely qualified to have written “Joint Adventures”?

Well, there are many books out there based on theory. This is especially true on the Internet. I know one fellow who has never done a joint venture in his life, but he read a lot of stuff, attended some courses and wrote a book on joint ventures.

My book is not the musings of an academic.

It’s based on real world experience; straight from the trenches, direct from the rock face.

Everything I teach, I have personally done. “Joint Adventures” is a practical manual, based on my varied business experience over a period of 19 years -- dealing with literally thousands of business owners in Africa, Canada and the United States.

Put simply: The instruction manual “Joint Adventures” will shift your thinking, expectations and beliefs and…

Give You The Tools To Use
To Start Making Money…
Real FAST!

But… it won’t just show you how to make money. It’ll go beyond that. It’ll show you how to use joint ventures to create multiple streams of increasing passive income with no cost or risk.

In plain-talking English, it will show you how to remove all income limitations from your life… and show you how to have multiple streams of money flowing into your life… without you “slaving away” trading time for dollars.


You Won’t Find This
Level Of Practical “How To”
Information Anywhere Else!