Cash Flow for Real Estate Investors

CASH FLOW. While all the deals and purchases are happening and capital is tied up and things happen in the normal world of the real estate investors, they sometimes have cash flow challenges. And the fastest and best way to get around that is to use Joint Ventures. Because JV's allow us to earn 100% profit on other peoples' businesses, using other peoples' resources and time. You can leverage your relationships and client base and create very lucrative back-end income relatively easily, once you understand that all your income doesn't have to come from real estate.
Joint Ventures allow us the luxury of creating cash flow with no money or risk and very little time. But we have to "think outside the box" and have an inclusive mindset. That means you move beyond the realm of real estate and seek to meet other needs, while at the same time being well paid for doing so. The people who invest in real estate have other needs, too - they buy all sorts of other products and services. Why not insert yourself into that cash flow loop and become a tollgate on the bridge of that financial transaction as well?
For more information on the power and technology of Joint Ventures, please visit and for free information, Podcasts, TeleClasses, Seminars and more.
Robin J. Elliott is an Honored Member of America's Who's Who of Outstanding Professionals 2006.
He is also officially included in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs of 2002 and was nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the 2004-2005 edition of the International Who's Who of Professionals.