Monday, October 30, 2006

The Wisdom of Yoda

Star Wars brought us Yoda. Let’s examine two quotes by Yoda:
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”

There is a reason why people don’t fulfill their promises, reach their goals, and accomplish their objectives. There is a reason why people quit. There is purpose in their choices. It’s not that they cannot, but rather that they WILL not. For example, when someone tells you, “I don’t have time”, they mean that they have afforded something else, some other action, a higher priority. They have the time; you are just not important enough to warrant that time. When they say they cannot do something, they really mean that they will not. They choose not to. “I will TRY” really means, “I am not going to do this and I am putting you on notice that I will not. I don’t want to confront you, so I am making this excuse in advance.” That is why Yoda said, “Do or do not. There is no try.” Try to walk. Ridiculous, isn’t it? Yet we use this pathetic excuse daily.

Most of the time, people avoid things they fear. They are afraid to admit that they don’t want to attend your boring party or seminar, so they say, “I will try to attend” or, “I don’t have time.” If you offered them a hundred thousand dollars to show up, do you honestly think they would say, “I don’t have time”, or “I don’t know how to get there”? Perhaps you should test them next time… They make excuses because they’re afraid of confronting you or their own laziness, or being embarrassed. That is why it is important for us to get in touch with our fears. Many people fear the implications and consequences of success. Yoda said, “Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”

When we tie these two “Yodic” sayings together, we conclude that most of the choices that most people make are based on fear. Do you want to work with weak, fearful people? People who will lie, manipulate and backstab, because they don’t have the guts to face reality and themselves? Can you rely on those people? Let us look for the simple clues that clearly reveal whether people are winners or losers. When we see the evidence, we have a choice, whether to work with them or not to. There are three simple clues to look for:

Clue number one: People who will not commit. They say they will try. They make excuses in advance. They wait until the last minute. They look for a way out. They do not say, “I will be there, whatever it takes, you can depend on me. Guaranteed. It is my highest priority.” Instead, they say, “I’ll do my best to be there. I’ll see what my schedule looks like. I’ll try. If I can.” What they really mean is, “I am looking for a better option,” or “I am looking for an excuse”. TRY and IF are the words of a loser.

Clue number two: People who Make excuses. The weather. The traffic. The government. The dog. They don’t say, “I fell asleep / I forgot / I was lazy / it wasn’t a priority for me.”

Clue number three: Patterns. Look at the pattern of behavior that someone shows you. That pattern is either the pattern of a winner or a loser; it’s that simple. People who regularly show up late for appointments are often concealing passive aggression. If they have let you down six times in the last six months, perhaps you should get the message; If it gobbles, it ain’t no eagle, Earline. They have a track record of keeping their word or not.

Let’s remember Yoda’s lessons. When we let others down, let us examine our fears. Let us be straightforward, honest, and brief. When we look for the three clues and find them, let us make choices based on the fact that losers cannot make you successful. Surround yourself with people who keep their word and believe in themselves. Fearless, congruent behavior is the hallmark of an eagle.

Robin J. Elliott

The Secret to Success in Joint Ventures

As in any business, the one attribute that separates the boys from the men, the sheep from the goats and the winners from the losers is persistence. Resilience is a better word. Those “coulda, woulda, shoulda” Excusiologists simply lack the understanding that there is no success without failure. They blame others, their tools and the economy, instead of taking responsibility for their choices. Some people wilt at the suggestion of difficulties. Others are like eagles – they soar higher AGAINST the wind. They agree with Napoleon Hill when he said, “Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit.”

Here’s what Howard Rothman says about a book I highly recommend on this subject, Failing Forward:

“The author of 24 books on maximizing personal and leadership potential, John C. Maxwell believes "the difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure." In Failing Forward, he offers inspirational advice for turning the difficulties that inevitably arise in life into stepping stones that help you reach the top. Noting that star performers are often those who aggressively push forward after encountering adversity, Maxwell shows how a variety of well-known and not-so-well-known people have forged ahead despite obstacles that could have derailed them.
They include: Mary Kay Ash, who founded her cosmetics firm against enormous odds when the direct-sales company she toiled in for 25 years resisted her continued corporate climb; Truett Cathy, who lost two brothers (and business partners) in an airplane crash and experienced his own serious medical problems before establishing the Chick-fil-A fast-food chain; Greg Horn, who reopened his Kentucky grocery store just 21 days after it suffered $1 million in flood damage; and Beck Weathers, who lost his nose, half of one arm, and the fingers on his other in the infamous 1996
Into Thin Air Mt. Everest tragedy, but now takes a positive message of survival and conquest to audiences around the world.”

If you really want to succeed in business, you have to realize that self-doubt is your biggest enemy. You are the secret to your own success. Nothing and nobody can stop you except your own attitude. Re-read Napoleon Hill’s "Think and Grow Rich". The fact is, it’s easier to succeed in business than many believe it to be. You just have to decide to be unstoppable. You just have to commit to success, whatever it takes. Those who bounce back do not give themselves any other options. Quitters never win and winners never quit. Never. Ever. Dogged determination gets results. Surround yourself with winners and you will find resiliency and strength sufficient to every challenge you face on the way to success.

Robin J. Elliott

Why Join the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum?

Being a Joint Venture Broker is a legitimate business opportunity, just as much as owning a MacDonald’s, owning a plumbing business or being a self-employed accountant or owning a dry cleaning business. The difference is that you can make a lot more money, with no cost or risk, as a Joint Venture Broker. That is because of duplication and leverage, and also because you can work simultaneously in different industries, with different products and services, in different geographical areas, so there is no seasonality or limitation. JV’s take little time, and can be done with no cost or risk.

Most businesses take years to become profitable, whereas a Joint Venture Broker who is focused and productive can start earning real money from Day One. You can create multiple streams of passive income from widely divergent sources. As a JV Broker, you have no overhead, employees, inventory, leases, minimum production requirements, area limitations, or capital investment. You can get into your own JV Brokerage Business with under $1,000 – that will include Membership, the Bootcamp training and a Replicator site – all you need to succeed. You can be a JV Broker whether you have a business or not, and regardless of your background or circumstances.

We created the Membership opportunity for people to instantly position themselves as JV Brokers, with all the credibility and packaging they need. Here is what you get as a JV Member. Compare it with the kind of investment you would make in a traditional business – hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy the business or set it up, plus the high overhead and restrictions. 87% of new businesses fail in the first five years. As a JV Broker, we have removed all the factors that make businesses fail, so the only way to fail is not to work.

1. You get instant access to over 460 Members worldwide, growing daily, with all their information, plus you get to advertise all your information to all of them, via our password protected Members Section on
One contact can change your life. You get hundreds of them. All Members have agreed to abide by our strict Code of Ethics and yes, we do fire Members who do not abide by that Code of Ethics. One JV can make you thousands of dollars a month. You get multiple options.

2. You get instant “packaging” – you can use the Membership logos, piggyback on the powerful branding of, and use our reputation, testimonials, 19 year track record and exceptional websites, podcasts, online interviews and articles, to create instant credibility as a Joint Venture Broker. In fact, you can get your own, full e commerce website, for a mere $247 setup and only $39 per month. You can literally be in a packaged, credible, proven business within two days for under $1,000.

3. You get all the support you need to succeed, when you get stuck or have questions. Our General Manager, Jim Kennedy, a highly respected businessman in his own right, is available to all our Members. Our Technical Director, Winston Bromley, is also available to answer questions. You can contact Robin Elliott direct, and talk with him or e-mail him. Robin charges $500 per hour for non-Members to talk with him. Your Chapter Leaders and Area Coordinators are also available to support you. You will also receive five e newsletters per week – updates, motivation, training, and inspiration.

4. Regular, Members Only Conference Calls every two weeks are available for all Members internationally, where you can talk with other Members around the world.

5. Our Conventions are amazing opportunities to learn more, set up JV’s, and meet other Members and leaders.

6. Local meetings give you the opportunity to meet Members and do JV deals. If there is no local meeting in your area, we can help you to grow the Membership there and set up your own meeting as a Chapter Leader and later as Area Coordinator. We are always looking for Leaders and you could be one of them.

7. Start earning money by joint venturing with us – DollarMakers! We pay very high commissions - $50 per Member, $150 per Bootcamp (and $100 on the second level) and a wide range of generous commissions on all products and services when you have a Replicator website. You can arrange Seminars, Bootcamps, Conference Calls, Trade Show Booths, Talks and more with Robin J. Elliott, and earn serious money on all. We offer instant JV’s to all Members. We have an unlimited, untapped market, which is growing exponentially. You can get a piece of that.

8. As a JV Broker, the world is your oyster. DollarMakers has no equal and no competition. Our system works and you can work with us as we expand into every area of the world. We have special opportunities for Area Coordinators, builders and pioneers and we can support you all along the way.

9. You can arrange Charity Bootcamps and In-house JV Broker Bootcamps and Sales Bootcamps and make a lot of money.

10. With DollarMakers, we place all the opportunities at your feet. You can go as far and as high as you like with us. We are open to suggestions and all you have to do is ask us. We want to work with you and we pay generous commissions.

The important thing to realize is that we are looking for proactive, self-starter Members. We are looking for people who are serious about success. While you can be involved as a JV Broker on a full time or a part-time basis, the more you put in, the more you get out. Those who focus on this opportunity and do it on a full time basis have unlimited earning potential.

By joining the Forum, you take the first step to creating financial independence, wealth and the lifestyle you want, with maximum leverage. Our proven strategies and systems have worked for us for 19 years. We are constantly upgrading, adding options and benefits, and improving our systems.
Those who are most successful attend all the Bootcamps (101 & 202) and local members meetings and Conference calls, have Replicator Websites, and focus on JV’s. Treat this as you would any other business that would cost you a hundred thousand dollars and demand 10 hours a day, and your success is assured. The only difference is that you will attain success in a very short period of time and make a lot more money, with no stress, worry or pressure.

Finally, remember that we have a lot of Members. We respond to our Members. We give you all the tools and opportunities and watch what you do. We look for Members who want to win and who take action.
Together, we are doing amazing things. Join us on our exciting journey!

Robin J. Elliott

“You can get anything you want out of life, if you’re prepared to help enough other people to get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar.