Tuesday, April 11, 2006


This past weekend, we held our DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum Members Only Convention in Edmonton, AB. It was great fun. One of our Speakers said, “What is commitment? I’ll tell you. The people that showed up here are committed. Those who said they would, but didn’t, were never committed.” And she’s right. We’re all committed to something. Whatever we are most committed to will determine our choices and actions. People who attended the Forum made it their highest priority and committed to attending. And they got a massive return on that investment.

How valuable is your word to you? It’s as strong as your self respect. When you let people down, it’s not a reflection on those whom you let down; it’s a reflection of your self esteem. People who have high self respect and value themselves will never lie, cheat or break their word. They honor their word because that’s honoring themselves. They will do whatever it takes to keep their word. They're not doing it for you - they're doing it for themselves. And they know that the result is always worth it. E. M. Gray told us, “The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose.” The pay-off for integrity is wonderful.

Why don’t some people commit to anything? They avoid making a decision or a commitment. They use the word, “TRY”. They whimper, “I’ll try to make it. I’ll do my best.” What they’re REALLY saying is, “I don’t have the guts to say Yes or No, so I’m setting you up with my weak excuses right now.” TRY = To Relive Yesterday’s Failures. Elbert Hubbard said, “To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” True winners commit and keep their word. They will pay any price not to lose their honor. They are true warriors. They believe in themselves. You can absolutely rely on them to come through for you every single time. And they expect the same from you.

Is it hard to find winners who make and keep their commitments? You bet it is. When Malcolm S. Forbes said, “One worthwhile task carried to a successful conclusion is worth half-a-hundred half-finished tasks”, he was simply alluding to the fact that most people never finish what they start. If you really want to feel great, be congruent. Live your life according to your values. Be who you are. Tell the truth. Keep your promises. Janis Joplin said, “Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got.”
Join the Eagles of the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum. Click here for more information.
Robin J. Elliott
Robin J. Elliott is an Honored Member of America's Who's Who of Outstanding Professionals 2006. He is officially included in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs of 2002 and was nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the 2004-2005 edition of the International Who's Who of Professionals.

Abundance for You

People either have an Abundance mentality or a Scarcity mentality. They either think in terms of “Shrinking Pie”, competition and threat or they see life in terms of Sharing, Generosity and Abundance. They way you look at life’s opportunities will determine what you achieve in life.
Nature is abundant – water, leaves, snow, space, stars, unlimited abundance. You can waddle down to the beach with a teaspoon or a pick-up truck – there’s enough sand. There’s as much as you want. But if you believe you can only get a teaspoonful, or if you’re convinced that you only deserve a cupful, or if you’re taught that if you take too much sand there won’t be any left over for the poor…
How much sea water do you want? Money flows like a river – it doesn’t care who it flows through.
We are creative beings. The difference between a millionaire and a struggling employee is simply leverage, belief and value. We are paid in direct proportion to the amount of value we create and the amount of people we can deliver that value to!

How much time do you have? What can you do in this time at 9 hours a day, five days a week? How many hours is that? 6,750 hours with a two week holiday every year. That’s YOUR time. Why not use Joint Ventures to acquire the time of a thousand other people as well? The only limitations we have are self imposed.
How many potential clients / customers? How big do you think?
Australia has 20 million people, Canada 32 million, the UK 60million, Germany 82 million, Mexico 106 million people, the US 296 million – how about India and China? Napoleon Hill said that “whatever the mind of man can believe and conceive, it can achieve.”

Are you operating on gasoline or on nuclear power? A pound of highly enriched uranium as used to power a nuclear submarine or nuclear aircraft carrier is equal to something on the order of a million gallons of gasoline.
When you consider that a pound of uranium is smaller than a baseball, and a million gallons of gasoline would fill a cube 50 feet per side (50 feet is as tall as a five-story building), it’s a good analogy for us to use.

Let’s equate that to work and Joint Venture leverage. Zig Ziglar said, “You can get anything you want out of life if you’re prepared to help enough other people to get what they want.” The more people you reach and help, the more money will automatically flow to you. There are no limits! When you use products and services that are duplicatable, scaleable and that cross financial, social, demographic and geographic boundaries, you can reach optimal distribution. Using intellectual property, you can avoid having your products copied and knocked off.

If you’re selling time, limiting the geographic, financial, social and demographic area you can serve, you’re chopping wood and making a fire. You don’t even have gasoline. When you find a product or service that reaches a very wide demographic and has no geographic, social, language or financial limitations or barriers, and you use JV’s to distribute that product, you have enriched uranium! The DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum was created for this purpose.

Robin J. Elliott

Joint Venture Broker Bootcamp Toronto April 22nd Click here

Joint Venture Seminars with Robin J. Elliott to attend in April:
Ottawa April 20th - Call Joanne Beehler 1.866.702.8008
Windsor, ON April 24 - Call Jennifer Beale 905.274.1888
London ON April 25 - Call Jennifer Beale 905.274.1888
Toronto April 25 - Call Jennifer Beale 905.274.1888
Buffalo NY April 26 - Call Jennifer Beale 905.274.1888

“It is better to burn the candle at both ends. And in the middle, too, than to put it away in the closet and let the mice eat it.” ~ Henry van Dyke.