Tuesday, August 22, 2006
JV’s - The End of Your Cash Flow Problems!
After 19 years of working with the owners of small and medium sized businesses, I know that cash flow and time are your biggest challenges. How many of these challenges are you facing?
1. I have to work harder and harder to maintain my profit levels. That means working longer and longer hours, just to keep pace.
1. I have to work harder and harder to maintain my profit levels. That means working longer and longer hours, just to keep pace.
2. My competition forces my prices down.
3. I always seem to be just above or below the line – seasonal business slumps eat into the profits I make during the good times, then tax time comes along…
4. It’s hard to find, and then keep, good staff. They seem less interested and productive than ever before. And, if they’re really good, they become my competition!
5. Advertising is more expensive and risky than ever before.
6. It’s hard to differentiate myself in the market – there are so many people who do what I do.
7. Customer loyalty is a thing of the past – It’s hard to get them and keep them.
Joint Ventures are the missing link in your business success. Let’s look at the JV solution to each of the above.
Joint Ventures are the missing link in your business success. Let’s look at the JV solution to each of the above.
1. All the profit from JV’s is 100% margin. You can leverage your existing resources and drive pure, unadulterated profit straight to your bottom line with no cost or risk, and very little time.
2. You can use JV’s to blow your competition out of the water and also work with your competition to double your sales. It’s not about price but value. JV’s can help you double and even triple the value you offer at no cost to you!
3. You can remove seasonal slumps, ups and downs and geographic market influences by using JV’s to create multiple, pure profit income streams from diverse industries and geographic areas.
4. You can create a simple profit sharing, JV process that will lock high performers and top
producers in to your business with a vested interest and unprecedented loyalty.
5. Use contingency advertising and JV’s to remove all the cost and risk from getting more business. Pay for results, not promises. Access underutilized resources for fast, real results.
6. With JV’s you will be able to differentiate yourself overnight. You can stand head and shoulders above your competition with a few, simple JV’s. Make an indelible impact on ever customer.
7. Customers are not loyal because you don’t give them a good reason to be loyal – think about that. Take responsibility. Joint Ventures are the tool that can create unheard of loyalty.
When you understand and use Joint Ventures, time and money problems dissapear like mist in front of a blowtorch. To attend a JV Broker Bootcamp or for JV products, please visit www.dollarmakers.com now.
Robin J. Elliott.
Leading a Joint Venture
When initiating any Joint Venture, it’s important to “lead it”. By that, I mean you understand that you have to manage it, direct it, control it, and sustain it. Don’t think you can just set the JV up and walk away – in most cases it will simply shrivel up and die on the vine. There are a few stages to this process and all the stages are equally important.
1. Ask for what you want. Be very specific. Tell the other partner exactly what you want them to do, why, when, and how. Discuss the time frame, the exit strategy, the payment method, when payment will take place, the tracking method. Dates, times, amounts. If you are both in agreement with everything, move to stage #2.
1. Ask for what you want. Be very specific. Tell the other partner exactly what you want them to do, why, when, and how. Discuss the time frame, the exit strategy, the payment method, when payment will take place, the tracking method. Dates, times, amounts. If you are both in agreement with everything, move to stage #2.
2. Create a simple but complete Memorandum of Understanding. There are many templates available on the Internet. Simply Google “Memorandum of Understanding”. This outlines exactly what your agreement is, who will do what, by when, and what the consequences are if either party does not perform, including an exit strategy. Include dates, minimum production, the wording of letters, sales and marketing tools, samples, everything you can possibly think of, so that there are no misunderstandings later on. Is the percentage paid to the JV partner a percentage of gross income or of net income? How is net income determined? If you use the old “After Costs” plan, specify exactly what those costs will be, in advance, so that there are no games later. When and how will you be paid? Should tax be added or not?
3. Manage the process. Communicate regularly. Keep in touch. Monitor progress, payments, promises. Make sure everyone is doing what he or she agreed to do. Set up regular, dated and timed meetings, minutes of meetings if necessary, conference calls, and / or e-mails. Maintain the relationship but be businesslike and strict. Always be prepared to walk away from JV partners who do not stick to the agreement.
4. Look for ways to enhance your JV – can you add additional income streams, improve on the process, change the system for the better, or bring in more partners? A JV is a dynamic process. Be flexible and open-minded.
5. When you encounter dishonest JV partners, burn your bridges. Walk away and warn your friends. If the defaulting partner is a Member of the JV Forum and did not abide by our Code of Ethics, let me know.
By nurturing, managing, and monitoring a Joint Venture, you establish strong relationships and optimize the potential of the JV itself. As the JV develops, the integrity and professionalism, or lack of it, of all the partners will be revealed. Joint Ventures are the ideal business opportunity and you should always remove cost and risk and minimize the time invested.
Attend our next Joint Venture Broker Bootcamp and join the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum – Click here now.
Robin J. Elliott www.dollarmakers.com
Robin J. Elliott www.dollarmakers.com