Why You Should NEVER Buy a Business, Business Opportunity or Franchise.

Now, the reason why 87% of people fail in these “businesses” in the first five years is a statistic. It’s not necessarily that the business opportunity is bad, although in many cases that is the cause; it’s just a statistic. Businesses fail for many reasons – lack of cashflow, lack of skills or experience, lack of support, wrong location, wrong pricing, wrong product – I could list 100 reasons why businesses fail. Here’s the scary part – in the next five years, a further 87% of the remaining 13% will also fail! So you have a TINY chance of success. You might as well go to the local casino.
I sold businesses and business opportunities, franchises and licenses for 18 years, so I should know. I also consulted with thousands of business owners. And before you indignantly cry, “SHAME! How could you?” I must tell you that most people who sell businesses know the statistics and many even tell potential buyers, but we just accepted that “That’s just the way it is.” Until, one day, a potential buyer asked me, “Robin, if this business opportunity is so good, why don’t YOU buy it?” I replied that I prefer to make my money through Joint Ventures. As usual, the buyer, like 99% of small business owners and 99.99% of employees, had no idea what a Joint Venture was. Until I started teaching people how to do what I do. I stopped selling businesses and I started sleeping at night.
No savvy entrepreneur goes out and buys a “Business Opportunity.” And most of those people slithering around in the “Franchise Shows” will tell you ANYTHING to sell you a business and earn their commissions. Not all of them will, but many of them will. I can easily make you a millionaire on paper. People want to believe that the salesperson has the answer to all their financial problems, so they deny their instincts and spend tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars, which they seldom get back. And don’t believe for one minute that franchises are any better. Buying a franchise is simply buying a job and many of them fail. And often, those people who you get to call to ask for references, are PAID to tell you lies.
Instead of shouting and venting about how dangerous it is to buy a “business”, let me rather show you the positive alternative. You can become a fully trained and supported Joint Venture Broker, with unlimited, international earning potential, for under a thousand dollars. No overhead. No risk. No cost. No cashflow problems. No inventory. Nobody to report to. Part-time or full time. Work from home, car, boat, beach, or cottage. All you need is an Internet connection and phone access. In fact, you can even do Joint Ventures without a phone or a computer. Sound too good to be true? I have done it for 19 years.
Can you fail as a Joint Venture Broker? SURE, You can. If you’re lazy, sloppy, arrogant, unprofessional, dishonest, and stupid, you will fail at anything. But if you commit a full working day and if you’re prepared to learn and make mistakes (without the risk of losing money), if you’re open-minded, professional, disciplined and honest, this is the best way I have ever found to make money. But you DO have to work and you will make mistakes. I hate risk. I have never bought a lottery ticket or gambled in my life. I am frugal, careful, and very realistic about human nature. I am a cynic and a skeptic. But I understand business and I know how to remove risk and cost. I don’t do MLM / Network Marketing and I am not interested in schemes and scams. That’s why I love Joint Ventures. No seasonality, no limitations, lots of freedom, no boss, lots of fun and very interesting. And lots of money.
So, put that bankbook away. Keep your savings. Don’t get into more debt. I know the salesman will tell you that you have to spend money to make money. He’s lying. You don’t. Don’t buy a business. Stay away from the sharks and snakes that prey on vulnerable people at the Franchise Shows and have a look at the Joint Venture Broker option. We have put together a complete package to provide you everything you need to succeed at DollarMakers. Learn from our 19 years and instantly get linked up to 445 other Joint Venture Brokers around the world, all for under a thousand dollars. In fact, you can join us for $249.
Joint Ventures are nothing new. 20% of the revenues of the large companies are from Joint Ventures. Now it is time for the average person to take advantage of this amazing money machine. It’s simple, easy to do, and lots of fun. You can broker JV’s regardless of your age, financial situation, skill set or background. You don’t need money or contacts or business understanding. Kids can do JV’s. Prisoners can do JV’s from jail. Seniors can broker deals. ANYONE who has a positive attitude and a good work ethic and is prepared to learn can do this. And so can YOU. You won’t lie awake at night worrying about money anymore. You can achieve financial freedom faster than you think. Isn’t that great news?
But don’t believe me. I could be lying to you. Call the Better Business Bureau. Check the Credit Bureau. Put a private detective on me. Google me, “Robin J. Elliott” and “DollarMakers”, read the testimonials on my websites, check me out – do your due diligence first. Then, visit our website, join the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum and buy our Home Study Course or attend a Bootcamp. Take action now: visit www.DollarMakers.com and contact us if you have any questions.
Robin J. Elliott
PS We have a lot of international opportunities at DollarMakers. We are looking for Area Coordinators, Chapter Leaders, and Joint Venture Partners. You have to be a trained Member to be considered.