The Power of Testimonials

Here is Tas’ Testimonial:
“I’ve had a very good experience as a member of the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum. When a business partner suggested I attend a meeting in New Westminster last year I did so without much expectation. I was pleasantly surprised. First and foremost, from the 40-50 members that I’ve met I have made half-dozen good friends. That’s very important to me. Thirty years in business have taught me to only do business with people that I like.
Within this circle I have given liberally of my time where I could help and have enjoyed great reward. Since handing over my $200 membership last year to Robin, I have seen $470,000 in cash coming to my company, $100,000 in new business flowing to another member company and an additional $85,000 in contracts issued by my company to members. Joint venturing works. I’ve found that being interested in people rather then trying to be interesting myself opens doors to business and opportunity that otherwise wouldn’t be there.
I’ve had fun with Robin Elliott and made money – lot’s of it. He has demonstrated time and time again the ability to make something out of nothing – and that is the definition of Create!”
Tas Morfopoulos, Vancouver BC March 15th, 2006.
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