Step Two for You

There’s a story about a kid who claims that elves get into his room at night and steal his underpants. His parents don’t believe him, but he insists, so they agree to hide in his room and await the mischievous elves. Eventually, around midnight, a motley band of elves climbs stealthily through the open window and commences to steal the boy’s underpants out of his bottom drawer.
The father steps up and asks the head elf why they’re stealing the underpants, and the elf replies that it’s a new business that the elves have started. “But how can you make money by stealing underpants?” asks the bewildered dad. “Oh, we have a business plan”, replies the pompous elf, “Step 1 – steal underpants. Step 3 – make a profit.”
This is typical of many entrepreneurs. They discount the second step, which is HOW to make the profit, and they deny the possibility of a few failures along the way. Imagine a girl who gets a brand new, pink bicycle for her ninth birthday. She gets on, falls off, and throws the bike on the garbage dump. Guess what? 65% of the new Joint Ventures you try will fail, and you will fail more often in the beginning, until you learn the ropes. When you fall off the bicycle, get back on, until you learn to ride. Attending a seminar and reading a book is getting the bike. Then you have to implement the steps and learn by doing.
At DollarMakers, we have many support systems in place, including Members Meetings, Bootcamp 202, access to other Members and more. Since the start of Forum two years ago, I have been searching in vain for someone who is capable of providing coaching lessons to Members who have attended one of my Bootcamps, or used the Home Study Program. I interviewed many people who knew more about nuclear physics and the sex life of goldfish than business or Joint Ventures, and most of them are simply posers without any real substance. This I a high trust position and I did a lot of due diligence with each application. You would be shocked at the amount of losers out there masquerading as coaches.
I am elated to tell you, dear Reader, that my patience and uncompromising standards has finally paid off! I have found a fantastic, highly trained and experienced coach, who has designed the ultimate DollarMakers JV Coaching Program. He can describe and present the process better than I can, so I won’t try. Suffice to say I highly recommend and endorse his services. Step TWO is now available and I am very excited about it. Now there is someone to help you ride that bike like the wind. This is a great relief to me because I know those Members who choose to use this program are going to receive excellent support and guidance with a proven system from a true professional. For more information, you can e mail me.
Robin J. Elliott