Thursday, July 13, 2006

Why Do People Buy from You? (Or not)

Let’s consider two people who both have access to the same products and services, the same training, the same market, the same promotional and marketing tools and the same support. One makes a fortune and the other one sells nothing. The one who sells nothing thinks people don’t want the product or service. He complains that it’s the wrong price, wrong season, wrong product. He whimpers that he “tried his best” and that he “can’t force people to buy”. The product is the wrong color, there’s a spelling mistake in the brochure, it rained on Wednesday, people have no money… He has many excuses for his failure to sell, while the other goes from strength to strength. What happened? I’ll tell you.

It has nothing to do with the sales techniques, prospects, pricing, features, weather, government, or support. If one other person is successfully selling it in the same market, it works. It has very little to do with anything else except YOU. Here is what makes the difference. First of all, the product or service has to be working for YOU. If you haven’t made it work in your own life, you might not believe in it. Or you won’t have the same passion and belief. You certainly won’t be very enthusiastic about it. However, if you threw yourself into it with wild abandon, full focus and absolute commitment, it would be hard to fail. Your level of confidence would go through the roof. You would radiate success. And people would buy.

People buy YOU before they buy any product or service. Enthusiasm is contagious. When you are absolutely convinced, sold, passionate, enthusiastic and confident about what you’re offering, it’s hard NOT to sell. How do you increase your level of confidence, excitement and zeal? I will use an example of a real life case study in my own business to illustrate this. The good news is that the turnaround can be very quick, depending on how badly the “salesperson” wants to succeed. The fact is, when you’re on track, you don’t need to sell – you just introduce the option and people will buy!

“Tom” approached me about making a solid, regular, increasing income from DollarMakers. He had tried introducing a few friends but his approach was weak, tentative, and uninformed. He wasn’t very confident or excited. I suggested he takes the time to read all the articles on my Blog and listen to all the podcasts on and immerse himself in the information available on the websites, read my book and attend all the Members Meetings and Members Conference Calls. I told him to get involved and make the time to commit fully. His confidence started increasing along with his self-esteem. He knew the product. He understood why people needed it. He believed in it. He started finding Joint Ventures coming to him. He started making money. When he spoke about the Forum and what we have to offer, he did so with conviction and power. His sales soared. We sell what we are. When we transmit success, we attract good people. People want to be around successful people.

Sales are about conviction, commitment, and enthusiasm. It’s about projection, sincerity, and belief. YOU determine your sales and nobody else. That’s good news, because it means that you can change the results you’ve been getting!

Robin J. Elliott

Do The Math and Be Free

Here’s a simple way to retire. If you have more income than you need to live comfortably, and that income is passive (that means you don’t have to continually work in order to generate it) you can retire. Here are the steps to generate that income. Realize, first, that “You gotta be specific to be terrific!” You need to know exactly how much you need per month. That’s a very important step. Next, you have to find at least ten sources of that income. Why so many? So that you don’t have all your proverbial eggs nestling quietly in one basket. In today volatile world, where things are constantly changing, we need to spread our risk so that we can survive the dropping, bombing and stealing of baskets.

So now you know how much you need, you find ten people, whom you trust, respect and admire, and who are successful, and you approach each one to find out what they want. You discover what’s in it for you. “If I can get you this, how much will you pay me?” If these people are smart and successful, they’ll tell you in a heartbeat. I recently had someone approach me and he wanted a job and a salary of $5,000 per month. I showed him how he, or anyone else, can easily earn that in my business, but he wasn’t prepared to get paid for results. So we’re not going to work together. He was averse to work and responsibility. But any savvy entrepreneur can show you exactly what he wants and provide you all the marketing and sales information you want.

Now you link up supply and demand. If you link ten good peoples’ needs to the rest of the ten, you have one hundred transactions. Or Joint Ventures. When these transactions are repeated, you create multiple streams of income. If you need six thousand dollars a month, ask each of these ten people what it will take for them to write you a check every month for one thousand dollars. Or three, or five. Spread your income. John Smith wants people to buy his accounting services and he will pay you $50 per client, per month. He needs 20 clients. He offers a Gift Certificate for a complimentary consultation. You distribute there certificates to the databases of the other nine people and generate business for John. John sends you a check every month, starting at $50 and growing. Some sales are once off, but earn you high amounts of commission. You put the machinery in place to generate those sales on a regular basis. It all adds up. When your income exceeds your expenditure, Ka-Ching! You’ve retired!

Where do you find the people? The DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum has hundreds of Members worldwide for you to work with. How do you get access? Join the Forum. How do you learn to do all this? We will teach you – get the tools from us. Joint Venture Brokers create multiple streams of passive income with no money and no risk. I have done this for 19 years and so can you.
Your first step is to decide how badly you want to retire. One a scale of one to ten, one being “I don’t care” and ten being “whatever it takes”, I’m looking for tens.
Step two: Join the Forum and get the tools and education. It’s very affordable, believe me. And you get all the support and guidance you need through our Members meetings, training, conference calls and Conventions.
Step three is to take consistent, enthusiastic, passionate action. And get free.

Robin J. Elliott

Brain Snap

Don’t we all get stuck in a rut? We get so used to thinking the same way that we tend to close off new options almost automatically. As we become more conditioned and get older, we tend to increase our cynicism and skepticism and become less amenable to new ideas. We develop a blind spot for anything that we associate with pain, discomfort, embarrassment, or failure. Our neuro associations cripple us. Past, hurtful experiences hobble us. We get set in our ways. When you become a Joint Venture Broker, this is a very expensive and detrimental mindset. It will exclude you from multiple, lucrative JV options! How can we open up the channels so that Joint Ventures start to flow to us? Do you rememeber how a famous person explained "Interrupting a pattern?" When his client was whining about a lost boyfriend, he threw a glass of cold water in her face. He asked silly, unconnected questions in the middle of her diatribe. Eventually, the negative interpretation and connection between losing the boyfriend and feeling bad was broken. It's all in our heads.

Movement creates power, magnetism, and electricity. Action is essential to exposure. In order to snap your brain out of that rut, to rise above your comfort level and to break your addiction to comfort, you need to get actively involved in meeting new people and associating with new ideas and business concepts. Break the bonds of conditioning by purposeful moving out of your comfort zone. Read books and listen to interviews that are diametrically opposed to your philosophy and religion. Listen to music in order to open up your right brain. Make yourself vulnerable. Confront your fears. Ask the painful questions. Admit your concerns. Dare to do what you dread. Get involved. Sow massivly in order to reap massively. Take action! Meet people!

As yourself these questions: “What would it take for me to move across the world to an unknown country? How much money would make me do what I consider the most difficult. What stops me from doing what I know I would need to do to accomplish this goal?” Ask yourself who it would be most difficult for you to call on the telephone. Ask why. Then call them. Ask yourself a lot of “What if?” questions. “What if so-and-so died tomorrow? What if I lost my job tomorrow? What if I was offered a hundred thousand dollars to move to Siberia for two years?” Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” Stretch it.

We have to plan a course out of our comfort zone. We have to take massive action. We have to confront and overcome our fears and seriously question our beliefs and philosophy, in order to excel in Joint Ventures. We have to be able to bravely accommodate new concepts and consider new approaches. Most of all, we need to commit. When you become a Joint Venture Broker, you are no longer imprisoned by your own limited frame of reference. Suddenly, you can borrow the frames of reference of thousands of other people. Your horizons and options can expand and multiply thousands of times overnight. Your courage is determined by your belief, self-confidence, and hunger to achieve your goals. Your success is in directly proportion to your commitment.

When people realize that they can become full time JV brokers and create an unlimited income, they have to make a decision. “Will I throw myself into this with everything I have? Will I focus my time and energy and do whatever it takes? Am I prepared to make this a long-term commitment? How hungry am I?” After all, there is no real financial investment. There is, however, an emotional investment. Anne Morriss said, “The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating.” W.H. Murray, the explorer, wrote: “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.”
The word, "DECIDE", is from the latin "Decidere" , which means "To kill off any other aletrnatives".
Snap out of fear and into abundance. Become a money magnet.

Robin J. Elliott