Napoleon Hill clearly described the remarkable power of the Mastermind in his “Think and Grow Rich” classic. The most important ingredients in the group were honestly, integrity, common goals and values, and relationship. That automatically precludes people who don’t know one another well from thinking they’re in a Mastermind, simply because they paid someone a hefty fee to join the club. Those involved have to be winners, not losers, or passengers.
By combining our disparate frames of reference, personality styles, intelligence, experience, skills, knowledge, training, and insights, we all become geniuses. Alone, it’s hard to achieve certain goals, but together, we can do amazing things. By combining our resources, we become an unstoppable force. Many years ago, Someone changed the world with only twelve disciples. You don’t need a large group of mediocre wanna-be’s; you need a GOOD group of winners with ethical, exciting and compelling vision in order to make your Mastermind to work.
The DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum provides a wonderful resource for Members who want to form their own Mastermind groups: a huge pool of people to choose from, all with a common understanding of reciprocity and value through Joint Ventures, combined with the capitalist philosophy. By being very selective, doing your due diligence, and testing the water before committing to a long-term relationship, you can find the ideal Forum Members to join with you in this powerful Mastermind process.
Our local Chapter Meetings are an expression of the Mastermind, and function in much the same way, only on a less structured, less formal basis. This is a great training ground. Out of these groups, Members can form their own personal, intimate, Mastermind groups. Make sure you share the same values, ideals, goals, ethics and morals before you finalize your selection of Mastermind Members. Read everything Napoleon Hill teaches about masterminds (be very careful where you obtain your information – I would stick to Mr. Hill.) Our Members have all agreed to abide by our Code of Ethics and all agree with the principle of JV’s and reciprocity, so you’re off to a flying start.
The Dollarmakers Management Team is a great example of a successful, functioning Mastermind with common goals, ethics, and values. Talk is cheap, but money buys the whiskey, so judge us by our results. As an iNTj (Meyers Briggs) myself, I was pleased to find the following, which you will find useful:
Click here.
Self-analysis can put us in a position to complement our weaknesses and profit from our strengths in the Mastermind context. We need different personality styles to make it work optimally. There is no right or wrong type; we strive to find the right COMBINATION of characters to make the Mastermind work.
Click here to see my profile.
Robin J. Elliott