Monday, July 24, 2006

Winning the Lottery

What would you do if I could guarantee you a lottery win? If you were guaranteed a huge amount of money within a specific amount of time, how hard would you be prepared to work? If someone said, “I will guarantee you $300,000 within one year if you’re prepared to do whatever I tell you to do, focus and work 14 hours a day?” (Note, I’m playing down the numbers here to accommodate a wide audience.)

What stops people from believing in exciting possibilities and committing to them? Why do they need guarantees from other people? I don’t know – maybe they have let themselves down in life and they no longer trust themselves. Maybe they have had some bad things happen to them so now they’re super cynical. Perhaps they think anything beyond survival is “too good to be true”… That’s why I would like to offer you a guarantee right now.

I guarantee you that you will reap in direct proportion to what you sow. I guarantee you that what you think about, will come about. I guarantee you that if you mix with winners and do what winners do, you will get the results that winners do. I guarantee you that there is no limit to the amount of money you can make, given the right products and services, the right business model, the right tools and support, the right market and the right attitude. And I guarantee you that it’s never too late to start over. How’s that?

In my business, we have unlimited earning potential for our Members (we only work with Members.) We have a unique service and products that almost anyone can use, a massive, unlimited, worldwide market, easy distribution, proven tools and all the guidance, training, and support required. There is literally no limit to the amount of money you can make working with us. And the cost of getting involved is ridiculously low – under $200. This is not MLM or some Internet Wealth or Real Estate Investment scheme – this I real business in the real world for real money, real fast. It’s like winning the lottery. This is true regardless of your circumstances or background, so don’t use that as an excuse.

But only if you believe it. So ask yourself the following questions: Do most of the people in the world want more money? If you had what they all wanted, could you make money by helping them to get it? (Especially if the price to them was very low) If you didn’t have to sell anything and you had all the tools, could you enthusiastically take action? If your answers are yes, you believe. One last question: On a scale of one to ten, one being “I don’t care” and ten being, “whatever it takes”, are you on a twelve? If so, Congratulations! You have just won the lottery. Al you have to do now is commit yourself to work hard for a period of time, and you’ve got it. Interested? Contact us for more information.

Robin J. Elliott

In-House, Customized, Industry-Specific Joint Venture Bootcamps

Did you know that our famous Joint Venture Broker Bootcamps that sell for between $500 and $1,000 per person can be customized to meet the specific needs of your business and industry? In fact, we can make them longer or shorter as well, and the investment per person can be adjusted, too!

Whether you have a large sales team spread across the country, a number of franchisees or outlets or if your salespeople are concentrated in one area, we can accommodate you, along with support and follow-up services. This is not motivation or sales training – this is real world business smarts that get real results, real fast.

These powerful Bootcamps can be carefully personalized to focus on your prime objectives, specific to your industry and particular environment, market and competition. We can convert your Snails Team into an unstoppable force.

Who should attend this training? Ideally, the entire company. Every level and every discipline can benefit from the Joint Venture Mindset. Increasing sales includes everyone on the company. We make it easy for you spread this mindset throughout your organization.

These are some of the benefits your salespeople, franchisees, and account managers can expect from Robin J. Elliott’s unique, proven approach:
(Remember, Robin personally conducts each and every Bootcamp.)

$ A Clear Understanding of Business, Money, Value and Profit.
$ Complete Comprehension of Leverage, Duplication and Distribution
$ Removing Risk and Cost from Sales
$ How to add massive, unprecedented value to every transaction
$ How to get an unlimited amount of new leads
$ How to increase your conversion rate and customer loyalty, reduce customer attrition and push referrals through the roof.
$ Full Optimization of Your Time
$ Piggy-Backing on Existing Resources and Distribution
$ Leveraging Underutilized Resources
$ Understanding Human Behavior and How to Stop Selling
$ Unlimited Thinking and Changing Limiting Beliefs Through the Joint Venture Mindset.
$ How to turbo boost your sales with no money, no risk, and very little time, using Joint Ventures.
$ How to Work WITH your Competition.
$ How to LOVE Your Job.

DollarMakers is the only organization in the world offering this kind of training. Robin J. Elliott does all the training personally, and his services are becoming more and more sought-after. He only has 24 hours a day. Grab it while it is still available and affordable.

For More Information, please send us the following information:

Your Name
Are you the final Decision Maker? (We only correspond with decision makers)
Your company
Your Position in the company:
Your contact information:
Size / number of sales force / people you want trained
Your challenges:
Your Goals:
Your Level of Urgency (On a scale of one to ten, one being “I don’t care” and ten being “Whatever it takes”:
What questions / concerns do you have regarding the above? (Please review our websites and before asking these Questions)

This Bootcamp will forever change the way you do business and remove all barriers to your growth.

Robin J. Elliott