Tuesday, February 14, 2006

No Accidental Business!

Sociologists put 100 people in a room for fifteen minutes. They secretly instructed two of those people to say only negative things, and the other 98 to say only positive things. Guess how long it took the two negative people to find each other and talk? Fifteen minutes! Like attracts like.

Some entrepreneurs love to blame their bad financial circumstances on others. But when things are good, they’re quick to take credit for it. That doesn’t make sense. Two entrepreneurs in exactly the same city, same market, selling the same products for the same price: one makes a fortune while the other one goes bankrupt. And the loser tells you it’s the fault of the government, the weather, the market, the competition. And when you ask him how he explains his competitor’s success, what does he say? He accuses him of dishonesty, greed and underhandedness. The tall trees catch the wind.

Everything we have is what we have created. Nothing comes TO you – everything comes THROUGH you. YOU create your success and your failure. Naming, blaming, complaining and shaming, is loser behavior. It’s not WHERE you are, my friend; it’s WHO you are. We attract what we are. Our minds are magnets. “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” It’s all about taking responsibility. We get back what we send out. “Whatever the mind of man can believe and conceive, it can achieve”, Napoleon Hill told us. At a seminar I presented last week in Ottawa, I told the audience, “The only people in this audience who will get restless, indignant and uncomfortable when I use the word, ‘Loser’, are the losers!”

Business success or failure is no accident – it’s simply a RESULT – a CONSEQUENCE. We reap what we sow. People who are always telling me they’re afraid of getting ripped off or unconsciously attracting shysters. They get what they expect. They create their circumstances just as surely as if they were baking a cake. Earl Shoaf said, “Let’s not be reflectors of ideas like a moon – let’s be creators of ideas like the sun!” Let’s take control of our thoughts and our attitudes. Let’s focus on solutions instead of problems. Let’s set high goals and mix with winners. Don’t think of lack and shortage; think of abundance and prosperity. “I am an unstoppable Money Magnet.”

Farmers who reap great crops sowed good seeds and carefully nurtured them. The same goes for entrepreneurs. When people say of you, “Everything he touches turns to gold”, it’s because you are causing good results. It’s no by chance that you succeed; it’s by choice! Let’s take charge, take responsibility and take the prize!

Those Who Use Joint Ventures, WIN.

Big business understands the leverage and reach available through Joint Ventures. H&R Block Inc. and 7-Eleven Inc. signed a three-year agreement Wednesday that enables Block customers to cash refund loan checks at 1,100 7-Eleven stores in the United States. Don’t create a competency or distribution channel - borrow one! Share the love, as it were.

Online dating is growing in popularity. And people who meet online typically like to meet for the first time in a coffee house like Starbucks. Armed with that data, Starbucks teamed with Yahoo! Personals to produce an "Espresso Dating Guide" that can be found exclusively online at The guide offers advice such as what to wear on a first date, what to talk about and, if necessary, how to end the date gracefully. Starbucks is running a print ad campaign to support the online site.

The ego-driven, “Lone Ranger” mentality of the typical small to medium business owner is expensive and risky. Big business has been using Joint Ventures for a long time because they have the ability to be objective, bottom line oriented and unthreatened. Now it’s time for small and medium businesses to benefit as well. After the Joint Venture Broker Bootcamp I presented in Toronto on Sunday, one of the Delegates, the owner of a well known eatery on Bloor street, reacted fast and immediately started arranging Joint Ventures that will bring him serious profit with very little risk and negligible cost.

The good news is that you don’t even need a business to benefit financially from brokering Joint Ventures. It’s just a matter of seeing the opportunities, much like the stereogram analogy. At first, a stereogram looks like a nonsensical arrangement of patterns, but when you look long enough, a 3D picture magically emerges. Joint Venture brokers simply link supply and demand and take a piece of the ongoing action. There is literally no end to the opportunities available and the potential income, especially since it’s all 100% profit to the broker.

When I hear of a person who has a good relationship with a large number of other people, I see massive opportunity. By providing all those people with what they want, value is created. We get paid in direct proportion to the value we provide. The more people you help, the more money you can make. Linking 1,000 people with solutions and being paid on every transaction is great, especially when you don’t have to provide the services or carry the inventory – you simply link A and B and become a little tollgate. You stand on the money bridge and collect. No cost or risk to you, and very little time.

For more information, visit
Robin J. Elliott
For Free Weekly Podcasts on Joint Ventures, visit