What's Holding You Back?

We created our beliefs by gathering evidence to support those beliefs. For example, Uncle Patrick was dishonest in business, Lonny ripped us off and Sam lost his savings in a bad business deal. And, as a result, we believe that business owners are dishonest and that we will lose money by getting into business. This can sabotage your future success. Or you’ve had six bad relationships and two divorces so you believe there are no good men in the world. That’s simple human nature: once bitten, twice shy. Seven times bitten…
Actually, it’s easier than we may think. The best way I have found to change my own beliefs is to immerse myself in evidence that produce empowering, uplifting beliefs. If I had a bad experience in business, I can read the biographies of successful entrepreneurs, spend a lot of time on a regular basis with successful business owners, watch movies like “Tucker” and read business magazines, “Atlas Shrugged”, “Think and Grow rich” and other good material. I can listen to podcasts and CD’s and eventually, inexorably, my beliefs will change and my life will change.
If you had bad experiences in relationships, how about only mixing with people who have great relationships and marriages, read books about good relationships, work on yourself and concentrate on flooding your mind with positive information on relationships. Brainwash yourself – wash out all the silly, weak, disempowering beliefs with good, clean beliefs! Focus on your input. Strategically plan to change your beliefs. Take massive, passionate action. You can dramatically change your life by changing your beliefs.
Robin J. Elliott is an Honored Member of America's Who's Who of Outstanding Professionals 2006.He is officially included in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs of 2002and was nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the 2004-2005 edition of the International Who's Who of Professionals.
Robin J. Elliott is an Honored Member of America's Who's Who of Outstanding Professionals 2006.He is officially included in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs of 2002and was nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the 2004-2005 edition of the International Who's Who of Professionals.