Monday, January 02, 2006


How many entrepreneurs have you met who have gone out of business, simply because they failed to keep up with the times and with their competition? Those who refuse to innovate, update and improve, those who fail to reinvent themselves, are doomed to join the ranks of that sad, pathetic group of has-beens that often label themselves as “consultants” and “coaches” and haunt the “networking” meetings. They tell wonderful stories of their past successes and promise to lead you down the same path for a tidy fee! Scary, huh?

The fact is, times change. If we don’t continually seek ways to add value, initiate new directions, woo our clients and update our technology, we will be left choking in our competitors’ collective dust. Remember the song, “When you’re in love with a beautiful woman, you watch her eyes… everybody wants her…”? Well, our customers and prospects are inundated with offers, bribes and shiny choices. They face a daily barrage of exciting options. Our competitors are constantly finding new ways to lure, entice and tempt our clients away. They become more sophisticated by the day. They spend tons of money to attract our patrons.

“If you don’t look after your wife, somebody else will!” The same applies to your clientele. Watch television. See how many times the screen changes? People get bored really fast, these days. Watch an old movie and see how fast you lose interest. We’re used to constant stimulation, and we demand more and more for less and less. We become more and more sophisticated. We expect more. We want to be wooed and romanced by our vendors, don’t we? We take so much for granted these days, and here’s a wake-up call: “Customer loyalty” is a thing of the past.

Word of mouth advertising and viral marketing are based on massive, unprecedented value. Instead of wasting your precious marketing budget on advertising that doesn’t work, why not spend it on adding value to your existing customers and paying them for bringing you more business? Innovate. Initiate. Don’t get lazy. You snooze, you lose! Don’t fall asleep at the wheel. The shepherd who falls asleep will awake to find that the wolf has eaten his sheep. Don’t underestimate your competition. He is spending money, attending seminars, reading books and finding ways to grab market share from you. He will steal your ideas. You have to constantly be five steps ahead of him.

Look at the most successful companies today: they are constantly initiating new value and inventing new benefits. Look at Google. Follow the winners. Reinvest into your business and your education. Align yourself with the top entrepreneurs. And you will lead the field.

Robin J. Elliott is an Honored Member of America's Who's Who of Outstanding Professionals 2006. He is officially included in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs of 2002 and was nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the 2004-2005 edition of the International Who's Who of Professionals.

We Are Our Own Keepers by Michael J. Hurd -- Capitalism Magazine

We Are Our Own Keepers by Michael J. Hurd -- Capitalism Magazine

Who is Robin J. Elliott?

Robin J. Elliott is an Honored Member of America's Who's Who of Outstanding Professionals 2006. He is officially included in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs of 2002 and was nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the 2004-2005 edition of the International Who's Who of Professionals.

Mr. Elliott has specialized in Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances sinces 1987. He is the President of North American based Elliott Enterprises Inc. and the recipient of numerous international business building and sales awards. He presents seminars internationally and his website is

Here's a Quick Fix for 2006

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself." - Mark Caine

Here’s a Quick Fix
When four successful people all tell me to watch the same DVD, I take action. Rika and I zoomed down to Rogers Video and grabbed “What the Bleep Do We Know”, which we watched on New Years Day. What a great start to the 2006! (Or a great start to the rest of one’s life, for that matter.) We all know that Napoleon Hill told us, “Whatever the mind of man can believe and conceive, it can achieve” – we all know about the power of positive thinking. But watching this amazing, scientific video was a powerful reminder and motivator that we will determine what 2006 holds for us.

This movie is certainly a “Quick Fix” and a “Checkup from the neck up” – it inspired me to take even greater control of my thoughts, affirmations and focus. It shows that what happens within us determines what happens outside of us, with clear, scientific proof. It reminds us that we can rewire our neuro net, change the story we tell ourselves about what the outside world is and start manifesting and co-creating the reality we so dearly desire. Control your mind and you will control your life.

I recently asked my Mother what her motto for life was. After she told me, she asked me what mine was. I answered with one word: “Responsibility”. We create our own destinies and we are responsible for our futures. We are not responsible for the choices of others, and we are not victims. We are in control, whether we want to believe that or not. Our thoughts, beliefs and expectations will repeat our present circumstances, or drag us further down, or recreate our lives and allow us to make all our dreams come true. I encourage you to get this DVD, watch it and utilize this power that we all have for the good. We’re thinking anyway – let’s switch from negative to positive. Instead of making mental pictures of circumstances we don’t want, let’s visualize what we do want.

The different people who, on different occasions, recommended the DVD, are all Members of the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum. When we mix with the right people, they will lead us along the right path, inspire us to dream big and encourage us to achieve great goals. Tony Robbins said, “Put yourself in a state of mind where you say to yourself, ‘Here is an opportunity for me to celebrate like never before, my own power, my own ability to get myself to do whatever is necessary.’” It’s never too late to start over. It’s never too late to change your life. Let’s make 2006 the best year of our lives so far.

Robin J. Elliott
Robin J. Elliott has been officially included in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs in 2002 and has been nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the 2004-2005 edition of the International Who's Who of Professionals.