Strategic Wealth Building through Joint Ventures

When last did you see a huge billboard on a vacant lot, with a beautiful artist’s rendition of the high-rise building that will someday magically appear on that ground? I think that I one of the most motivating sights I ever see – smart strategists have planned a magnificent building in every detail, and they know exactly what it will look like, what it will cost, when it will be complete and how much money it will make them. They know every detail on the interior, the furnishings and the landscaping.
Then, lots of workmen, machines and vehicles start converging on the site, and all sorts of strange noises can be heard as they start building the foundation. For a long time, you see no progress. It’s all foundation building. The higher the building, the better the foundation has to be. Eventually, one day, you see the first signs of progress above ground, and then it starts to rocket upward at an alarming rate. Just like a business that has finally achieved Critical Mass. (Just like DollarMakers.) Before you know it, occupants arrive and there are people in the building, and it’s almost as if the building has always been there. The creation of that building was all based on Joint Ventures. Many people worked together and shared their skills and resources with a definite, specific, predictable common goal.
Just like bamboo; for a long time there is no sign of growth, then suddenly it shoots up to fifteen feet in a matter of days! Just because you don’t SEE the growth and development doesn’t mean it’s not there.
My friend, Marnus, once thanked me for being his 7UP. I asked what he meant and he told me this story, which I think is simply a myth, but the message is a solid as a rock. Seems there was this inventor who decided to create a soft drink, which he called One Up (1UP). It failed. He borrowed some money, recreated his formula, and tried again. It didn’t work. He persisted and brought out 2Up, which also failed, so he spent the last of hi money and put 3UP on the market. No dice. He went into debt and launched 4UP, then 5UP. Both tanked. With his back to the wall, he presented 6UP, which also failed, so he sold his business to a friend. His friend spent a few hundred dollars, made one small change and launched 7UP. He got rich.
Strategists are pro-active, goal-directed winners who construct a firm foundation with optimal leverage to create and sustain wealth. They realize that the people with whom they align themselves have to share their goals, ethics, values and morals. They know that they are judged by the company they keep.
Strategists focus on one building at a time. They understand that there has to be a “fit”. They create a win/win scenario where everyone benefits according to their contribution. See your wealth building process and strategy as you would a building, in which all the contributors are stake-holders. Construct your back-end income and diverse associated JV’s carefully, all in alignment with the main building. Make sure the process is logical and well coordinated. Work with people who can help, guide, inspire and motivate you while that foundation is being built. Remove saboteurs with immediate, maximum force. Have a regular look at that exciting billboard to remind you what you’re building.
DollarMakers is a wealth creating machine. Those who join us have the opportunity to piggyback on our reputation, international growth and branding, and support systems. They can benefit for our guidance, training, and access, and our alliances with common JV partners, and together we are creating a compelling future. We have a beautiful billboard and our building is zooming skyward. The builders (Members) all have a stake in our success, and the more they contribute, the greater their stake. Our Management Team is totally dedicated to the mission and we build in unity with integrity. We don’t quit. We run a tight ship. We fire arrogant and dishonest Members. We reward production. And together, we are doing amazing things.
Robin J. Elliott