Saturday, February 09, 2008

"Who's Your Rich Uncle?"

A South African furniture store had a great advertising campaign that claimed, "You have an uncle in the furniture business". This was based on the presumption that if you did, indeed, have an uncle in the furniture business, you would get some sweet deals, discounts, and possibly even freebies. That, of course, assumes your uncle is successful, that he is more than a mere salesman, and more importantly, that he likes you enough to offer you these benefits! (There is also a moving company in South Africa called Elliott International. Their slogan is "Elliott is Amazing" but that's a foregone conclusion...)

Back to the "uncle" concept. If I had my youth over again, I would become a lawyer before getting into business. I think it would have been a very smart move. Twelve years ago, I paid my lawyer $500 to save me $30,000. Very important and smart to use good lawyers. But you don't get a good lawyer for under $300 per hour anymore, and many cost $1,000 per hour. In today's world, therefore, if I had to choose a friendly, wealthy, and successful Uncle in any industry, it would be in a top legal firm. Imagine an Uncle who gave you free access to his lawyers and legal services and advice 24/7, who would always be there for you to examine contracts before you signed them, and answer any questions you might have, like those lawyers that are retained by the super rich. They say, "prevention is better than cure". What peace of mind! "I have an Uncle who owns a law firm and he likes me. Watch out!"

But that's a pipe dream, isn't it? NOT ANY MORE. I do, in fact, have incredible legal access and protection, as well as excellent services from top law firms across North America, and it costs me just $35 per month. You can have it, too. Really. In addition, it earns me thousands of dollars a month! Don't believe me? Click here to see how.

Robin J. Elliott