A Bridge Out of the Swamp

Because people buy stuff they don’t need with money they don’t have to impress people who don’t notice, they slide deeper and deeper into debt. Every month, they get a little deeper, refinance, use up the equity in their homes, find new sources of debt, and get more depressed. Many are forced to neglect their small children to hold down two jobs.
Along with the debt come frustration, fear, insomnia, passive aggression, road rage, marital stress, and escapism into drugs, nicotine, sport, drink, illicit affairs, and desperation tactics. These people are vulnerable to the wolves and scammers who offer a quick fix, ridiculously high returns on investments (usually offshore or illegal) and get-rich-quick schemes. Many have been hurt by these swindles.
It is therefore not surprising that many desperate people now eschew any offer to escape the swamp of debt and anxiety. They would rather continue to sink below the surface and buy lotto tickets than use the bridge to freedom that is being offered. Once burnt, twice shy. Instead of conquering their debt, they embrace it. Better the devil you know than the one you don’t know.
Instead of solving their problems, people sell their homes and move to more remote, cheaper areas. The problem is, there is a reason why those areas are cheaper! More crime, lower classes, less facilities, and more. Or they cut their expenses, usually sacrificing the good for the bad. The average smoker wastes over $300 per month on his addiction. And the more scared he gets, the more he smokes. This debt lifestyle is a downward spiral, a slippery slope into the smelly swamp. Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
Therefore, when people hear that they can retire in one year through Joint Ventures, with no money or risk, they are understandably skeptical. So we offer them mountains of FREE information through my two complimentary books, hundreds of articles, podcasts, audio interviews, a ninety-minute video, and more, all to be found on www.DollarMakers.com and www.MomComesHome.com There is hope. It’s not too late.
After reviewing all that material, if they still don’t want to use our very affordable services to get free, they probably don’t really want to be free, or they simply don’t have the intellect to understand what we offer. (Given that the average IQ on a bell curve is only 100, that’s not too far fetched.) But it doesn’t cost them anything to get a lot of valuable information. The bridge is waiting for you. It’s easier and quicker than you think, and we have a proven, successful track record of twenty years. You and your family deserve to be prosperous, happy, healthy, and successful.
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com