Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Get Joint Venture Advice from the Right People

Where do you get advice about business and Joint Ventures? The source will determine the quality and the accuracy. Wrong advice is a surefire way to insure your failure, while good advice is the foundation of success.

Ayn Rand said, “Government ‘help’ to business is just as disastrous as government persecution... the only way a government can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off.” The fact is that government “officials” are incapable of teaching anyone about business. The government run “Self Employment Programs”, designed to get people off Unemployment Insurance and run by people who failed miserably in business and now teach other victims to do the same, are a good example. Government “Affirmative Action” is a socialist, collectivist recipe for disaster that disempowers the very people it claims to help.

The same goes for your bank manager. If your bank manager understood business, he would have a business and he’d be making real money. Right now, he has a job and he understands banking, and that’s about it; he may know something about fishing or fixing his bicycle, but definitely not business. Imagine asking a schoolteacher for business advice – that is the height of idiocy, and yet millions of vulnerable kids do just that.

Most academics do not understand business either – they understand books, exams, and qualifications. The only MBA that really matters is a Massive Bank Account. It’s like asking a virgin about childbirth or a smoker about self-discipline and healthy living. No. Go find someone who has had a few kids and you’ll get real information that is accurate and useful.

Check the source of your information. Are they online, Internet Gurus that hide behind the fake testimonials of their other online, con artist friends? Are they real? Did they ever actually make anybody any money? You can be anything and anyone online – ask your local pedophile. Deal with real people in the real world, who do real business and make real money. Do your due diligence. Look for a successful track record. I know of people who don’t have two cents to rub together, yet they offer to coach other people how to be successful. Many “business consultants” are really people who failed in their own businesses or got downsized or fired from corporate slavery.

Find people who have “been there, done that, got the T-Shirt, and survived the war”. Seek those who walk their talk. See whom they mix with – birds of the feather tend to flock together. Ask some hard questions. Do a criminal and credit check on them. Talk with their vendors, customers, competition, and parole officers before you follow their advice. Pear trees don’t bear grapes.

Robin J. Elliott

Packaging Yourself for Success as a Joint Venture Broker

We do judge books by their covers, and when we open those books, we usually do some due diligence before getting involved with any Joint Ventures. We want to know how long people have been in business. We Google their company names. We want to know whom they’re involved with. When you package yourself as a JV Broker, work smart, not hard. Save a lot of time and money and piggyback on a successful, proven, 20-year-old formula.

Let’s look at two people who decide to become Joint Venture Brokers. First, you get the person who reads a book and decides to package himself, so he creates a $2,000 website that reveals that he is really a one-man-band, self-employed type, with no branding, credibility, or track record. Then he spends $200 to print business cards and with a new, unknown company name, and off he goes to business networking meetings to try to find a few victims. When you take a good look at his packaging, you know that he is start-up entrepreneur and nobody of any substance will touch him with a twenty-foot pole.

The second person buys the Home Study Program of for $597. He is now a Platinum Member of the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum. He gets 1,000 high quality business cards for $15 shipping, branded with the DollarMakers logo, which gives him instant credibility as he now rides on a 20-year success track record. He also has a high quality, e-commerce website with his own unique URL, which tracks every sale and pays him generous commissions. He is backed up by a full-time General Manager, over 500 Member JV Brokers in nine countries, local Member meetings, regular conference calls, and access to all other Members and much more. Anyone who checks him out will be very impressed and he can work at any level. He has access to support and this adds to his level of confidence. Google DollarMakers and you’ll get over 12,500 results.

A tall building requires a deep, firm, solid foundation. We created the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum to provide everything a JV Broker needs to succeed and we included a strict Code of Ethics, which has allowed us to fire seven Members, not renew eight and refuse 46 applications for Membership. We run a tight ship. Our Members can immediately participate in ready-to-go JV’s and those who attend our live JV Broker Bootcamps can return and re-attend for pennies on the dollar. As we grow, we provide more tools, support, and opportunities, and we honor and reward those who are already Members. Our Convention Cruise in November to the Caribbean will attract the best of the best. This professional packaging ensures the best possible support and the highest return on investment, plus a great level of self-confidence for new Members.

Robin J. Elliott