Your Interpretation is Your Future

We interpret our circumstances to ourselves all the time. In other words, we explain to ourselves what our circumstances mean. The circumstances in themselves have no meaning – we give them meaning by choice. We decide what to tell ourselves about our circumstances. And the way we interpret our circumstances will determine how we react to them: fight or flight, positive or negative, opportunity or threat, meaningful or not. Our reaction will, in turn, determine our choices, and these choices create our futures.
By changing the way we interpret our circumstances, we change our perceptions, reactions and choices, and thereby our futures, because we are constantly creating our futures. The same applies to the way we interpret our past circumstances and our future options. My amazing wife, Rika, is the most positive person I have ever met. She always sees the upside of every situation.
Want an insight into how you currently interpret your circumstances?
1. What questions do you ask? “Why does everybody hate me? Why can’t I get this right? How can I survive?” That is victim thinking and scarcity mentality. Better questions are, “How can I double my sales? Why do I attract such great people? How can I add more value?”
2. Do you make excuses? “The cat died, my son broke the car, it rained, I don’t have time, I’m overwhelmed” – all pathetic victim statements. Try this: “I’m late, I’m sorry, it’s my fault and it won’t happen again.” Take control.
3. Do you take responsibility? “Everything I have and experience is my own creation. I am responsible and I deserve what I have, good or bad. I create my circumstances and I can and will damn well change them.”
The glass is half full or half empty – you decide. Winners see opportunity behind every rock. They believe in themselves and they set exciting goals. They focus on what’s great and they expect to win. I had a meeting with Member Marilla Wex this morning – what a pleasure to deal with someone who takes lemons and ends up, not with lemonade, but Veuve Cliquot. Her enthusiasm, boyancy, never-say-die attitude and can-do approach inspires everyone who knows her. A real Mensch with a brilliant mind, that one.
Every situation you face, every obstacle, every circumstance, can be interpreted positively or negatively. By managing your self-talk and being aware of your interpretive bias, you can dramatically change your future. Being surrounded by the likes of young Marilla certainly helps, too. You can’t get out of a car with Winston Bromley or Michelle Bacani-Lim without having to physically restrain yourself from skipping gaily down the road to fame and fortune. After a meal with Jim Kennedy, it’s all you can do to stop yourself from giving the waitress your wallet and asking her to max out your credit cards. Diane Mihalek makes you wonder how you can spend more time basking in the presence of her optimism. I could name at least three other people… Winners encourage one to win and remind one that we are surrounded by abundance. Your limitations are simply a figment of your imagination.
One of the best ways to handle your circumstances and keep them in perspective is through humor. And remember to arm yourself with some useful mental tools. I like these:
No Problem. This, too, will pass. I am bulletproof and unstoppable. I can handle anything that life throws at me. I attract positive people and I am a money magnet. Every day, in every way, I’m getting richer and richer. I can do anything I set my mind to. I am a warrior. This is a piece of cake. Is this the best you have? How can I double my income? How can I cut the time in half and double the results?
Finally, don’t be attached. Anything you think you NEED will control you. Want, but don’t need. Don’t be attached to people, outcomes, things, or results. Be free. Take control of your mind and create the future you want and deserve.
Robin J. Elliott