Seeing Potential

We have the choice to focus on the opportunities or the problems in life. Scarcity or abundance. Shrinking pie or more than enough for everyone. Sometimes, we’re so tuned in to problems because of negative past experiences, that all we see is difficulties. We’ve conditioned the Reticular Activating Systems in our brains to avoid the positive and focus on the negative, to the extent that we hardly notice the good stuff. We use “It sounds too good to be true”, “It’s a scam” and “It doesn’t work” to stay poor, frustrated and unhappy. We distrust any new avenue that leads to change and improvement and spend time with equally pessimistic people.
Or we can swing that headlamp the other way and see the mountains of opportunity surrounding us. Sometimes, that change can be difficult because of habitual cynicism, so it’s great to have our fellow explorers kindly point out the wealth that surrounds us. In any economy and any country, some people are getting rich, while others are going bankrupt. It’s not WHERE you are, but WHO you are. Change your attitude to this approach: “What can work? How can I use this situation to get rich? What’s great about this situation? How can I learn from this? How can I turn this lemon into lemonade?”
Now we are al aware of our own limitations and reach, and that is exactly why I use Joint Ventures to accomplish my goals. Every resource and skill you need is readily available through other people. What I don’t know, someone else knows. If you don’t have money, someone else does. Together, we can accomplish anything, as long as we associate with Eagles instead of turkeys. Eagles don’t mind sharing the love. They see the abundance from their vantage point. They’re secure and optimistic. Turkeys, on the other handle, spend their time whining, winging and making excuses. You don’t need them. Cut them loose and move on.
Paul J. Meyer said, “Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.” Napoleon Hill told us that “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” And Scotia Bank tells us, “You’re richer than you think!” Let’s focus on the gold instead of the dung. We are surrounded by untold wealth and prosperity. Let’s associate with people whose head lamps are pointed at the gold. Join the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum and change your life.
Robin J. Elliott