Do you like wasting time? Do you enjoy waiting for people to make up their minds?
Would you like to spend more time with losers? Are you happy with your closing ratio?
If you would like to dramatically increase the amount of business you do, as well as the quality of people with whom you work, all the while saving time, remember this: “You have not because you ASK not.” You have to ask for the decision, ask for the sale, ask for action, or you won’t get it most of the time. You need to close the sale. Here is a simple formula for boosting your closing ratio.
First, give a lot of information and value before you ask people to make a decision to Joint Venture with you or buy your idea or product. Provide people all the information and evidence they will need to make a good decision. For example, someone called me the other day and said, “I have listened to four interviews and a number of Podcasts on your websites, Robin. I have read a large number of your articles on your Blog. And now I am ready to join your JV Forum.” Establish your credibility – give them an e book, a report, a CD. Use SYSTEMS. Seminars, conference calls, Websites, Blogs, Vlogs, e-zines, e- books, reports, CD’s and DVD’s make it easy for you to disseminate information. Use a system to close the sale as well. The more you see, the more you will sell. And always ASK for the sale. Remember that Scarcity and Urgency help people to make decisions. Create reciprocity. Invite them to a conference call or a seminar, or both, so that they know exactly what you are offering and what’s in it for them. Remember that people are skeptical and careful and that’s fine. When you have provided them all the evidence and information they need, ASK for the sale.
Second, ask specifically. Ask them to complete an application form, sign their name, or write you a check. If you give them a way out, they are conditioned to take it. For example, if you say, “Why don’t you go think about it, and if you would like to join, call me”, you might as well shoot yourself in the head. It is highly unlikely that the prospect will buy. As soon as they leave your presence, they carry on with their lives and forget you ever existed. Yoda said, "Do or do not - there is no try". CLOSE the sale. Ask for the money. Be specific. It’s yes or no. If, after all the evidence you have given them, they are still going to “think about it”, consult with their spouse or have another meeting, shake the dust from your shoes and forget about them. Move on to your next prospect. Successful people make fast decisions and stick with them.
Third, be very careful of people who procrastinate, over analyze, and play games. When people tell me “I can’t afford it”, I know either they’re lying or desperate. Either way, I don’t want to do business with them. When a businessperson tells me he can’t afford a $500 Bootcamp that will make him an unlimited amount of money and remove risk from his business, I know he is stupid, desperate or lying. I suggest he gets a job and stops pretending to be a businessman. If they don’t take the time to evaluate the information you have given them or look at your website, walk away. Be selective. You don’t want to do business with losers. If they want everything for nothing, reject them. Try this: “I have given you all the information you need to make this decision. Here is the application form. Your answer is either Yes or No. If you have to send even more time thinking and analyzing, I will assume your answer is no.” Remove the opportunity, remove yourself, and go find a winner.
Finally, only close the sale when you actually want to work with someone. Remember, you have to decide if you want that person as a client or a JV partner, too. I recently offered someone a really good JV that will change his life. He has become so analytical, so afraid to spend any money and so fearful over that past weeks that he has revealed himself to be a loser who is pretending to be a winner. Now I have decided that I will not work with him. I will not close the sale. Give people the opportunity. Give them the benefit of the doubt, provide them the information, and watch what they do. If they reveal that they are not the kind of person you want to work with, cut bait – fast, BEFORE you close the sale.
A Joint Venture is a partnership. At the end of a date, if you don’t like what you see, don’t ask her to marry you. But if you do like her, ask her before your competition does.
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com