Pick 'em in BUNCHES!

We always answer our own questions. If you ask, “How can I get ten customers?” you will perhaps find an answer that generates choices and actions that garner a maximum of ten customers. However, if you ask, “How can I get a thousand customers?” everything changes. Whatever we believe and conceive we can achieve. We choose and set our own limitations. Joint Ventures allow us to understand that we can, indeed, accomplish dramatically more by accessing existing databases, distribution, reach, and connection. And we can use JV’s to create a very compelling reason for people to assist us in gaining access to the prospects and then to persuade those prospects to actually purchase from us.
Five sales have to be made:
First, you have to sell yourself on the fact that it is imperative that you share your important message with many people. You must be passionate and committed to the value of your product and service.
Second, you have to BELIEVE that it is possible and likely that you can sell to 1,000 or 100,000 people. In order to gain this belief, you need a lot of evidence. You get that by exposing your mind to people and data that overwhelms any misgivings or pessimism absolutely. You have to sell yourself on this concept.
Third, you have to find the person who has access to, and the trust, respect and ear of, your prospective bunch of customers. And they have to be able to communicate effectively with them in your behalf. And you might have to sell someone on introducing you to this person.
Fourth, you have to create a highly compelling, selfish, urgent, personalized reason for them to eagerly sell you to their database.
Fifth, you need a product or service with so much added, unexpected, unique, persuasive, and convincing value that it creates an offer that your prospects will find very difficult to refuse. Again, you should use JV’s to create this powerful offer.
All the above can be done with no cost or risk. Elbert Hubbard said, “In these days, a man who says a thing cannot be done is quite apt to be interrupted by some idiot doing it.”
When a Joint Venture took my income from $4,000 - $20,000 per month in four days instead of four years, I understood the power of Joint Ventures at a cellular level. The problem with understanding and implementing the Joint Venture Mindset and so growing your business or someone else’s business exponentially has very little to do with systems and everything to do with beliefs, conditioning, self-esteem, urgency, drive, support and ACTION.
With that in mind, we support our DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum Members in the following ways:
Access to all other Members worldwide through a password protected website, regular, monthly local Members Only Meetings, regular, two-weekly Members Only Teleconference Calls, Members Only Conventions that Members don’t pay for, Members Only Retreats, four, weekly e-newsletters, websites, weekly Podcasts, direct access to myself via phone and e mail, weekly new articles on my Blog, plus numerous downloads and products. In addition, we offer a generous and lucrative commission program and Replicator Websites to all our Members. This massive value is made available at a laughingly low investment.
Schopenhauer said, “Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.” Let’s open our minds and start thinking big. There are no limitations in the real world.
Join the DollarMakers Joint Vneture Forum now: www.DollarMakers.com
Robin J. Elliott