Saturday, January 19, 2008

Variety of Articles from

How Badly Do You Want Financial Freedom?
Robin J. Elliott

Here’s why the average person who claims to be in financial pain won’t use the solution offered: insufficient motivation. In case your situation isn’t bad enough YET, let me share some interesting facts with you that I learned from Timothy Ferriss, so that we can predict where you financial pain is heading:
26% of adult Americans report being on the verge of a serious nervous breakdown. 62% of workers routinely end the day with work-related neck pain, 44% report strained eyes, 38% complain of hand pain, and 34% report difficulty in sleeping due to work-related stress.

88% of employees say they have a hard time juggling work and life. 70% of working fathers and working mothers report they don’t have enough time for their children. Compared to 1970, American managers are working an additional month per year. Americans are working more hours than any time since the 1920s. Turnover rates among mid-level associates in New York City law firms is 36%. The entire system is predicated on burnout. In total hours, the average middle-income family works four months more than in 1979.

The USA vs. the World: Average Annual Vacation Days: Italy 42 France 37 Germany 35 Brazil 34 Britain 28 Canada 26 Japan 25 USA 13

Americans work 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more hours per year than British workers, and 499 more hours per year than French workers. The Japanese document approximately 10,000 cases per year of “death by overwork,” or karoosh. Considering the above stats, what must the undocumented US numbers be?

26% of Americans take no vacations at all. How many vacations do you take per year? Are you going to join us on our DollarMakers Convention in November at an exotic destination? Do you have enough time and money to enjoy your life and family? If things continue the way they’re going now, what does your future look like? If you were offered a proven system that has worked consistently for tens of thousands of people over more than 35 years, and made many of then millionaires, what would you do?

Here’s what I am offering you: A place on my personal team. Directly under me. E-mail me for more information with your telephone number, name, and time zone, and put “I am SERIOUS” in the Subject box. (Note: This is a NYSE company. Your cost: $110 to join and $46 per month for freedom.)

“Freedom comes from seeing the ignorance of your critics and discovering the emptiness of their virtue.” - Ayn Rand

Making Sense of Joint Ventures

When I talk about the “Joint Venture Mindset”, I am talking about a way of perceiving links, opportunities, value, and profit. This mindset enables one to look at a business or transaction or market or distribution system and see multiple opportunities for Joint Ventures and increased profits, where the average person sees problems, scarcity, restrictions and limits. Thing is, attaining this mindset doesn’t happen in an instant. Please read the following:

“Usually, the cognitive process begins with an impression induced by perception, or by a thought, but then it does not stay with the mere impression. Instead, we almost always conceptualise sense impressions and thoughts immediately. We interpret them and set them in relation to other thoughts and experiences, which naturally go beyond the facticity of the original impression. The mind then posits concepts, joins concepts into constructs, and weaves those constructs into complex interpretative schemes. All this happens only half consciously, and as a result we often see things obscured.” Or don’t see them at all, or misinterpret them…

The fact is, the Joint Venture Mindset is a lens through which you can look at life and see streets paved in gold, in contrast to the conditioned mind that sees but through a glass, darkly. And that negative, restraining, repressive mindset is the result of input and conditioning from academics, politicians, teachers and preachers, bank managers, employers, and franchisors who often have a vested interest in keeping you broke and struggling.

If you’re forty-five years old, you’ve had a long time to establish your way of perceiving opportunities. Attending one seminar or reading a book might give you a glimpse of the limitless possibilities available to you through Joint Ventures, but it takes more than that to reverse years of disinformation, distortion, myths, and blatant lies. That could be why you didn’t run out of the seminar and double your income, although some people have and do.

Now before you burst into tears or shoot the government sycophant who ran your “Self Employment” program (the poor sap doesn’t know any better - after all, he’s an employees trying to teach you to be an entrepreneur), I have the solution for you. I will base it on my own story, so you know it works.

When Rika and I were offered the opportunity to get into our own business, I was thirty-four years old, broke, and had never run my own business. We had to refinance and scrounge to come up with the money to start, and we were very highly motivated. We were told to work through an SMI program called the Dynamics of Personal Goal Setting by Paul J. Meyer (this was also one of the products we were to sell) and to follow EXACTLY the system we were offered.

We immersed ourselves in the system, the teaching, the mindset, and the philosophy. We repeated the program over and over again, followed the directions to a T, did exactly what we were told, went the extra mile, and spent every waking hour focused on working the system. When my mentor, George Choriatopoulos, told me to do something, I obeyed without question. I was a warrior, not a deserter. There was no back door, no tentative “I’ll try, but hedge my bets”, no hesitation. All-out, total commitment. We became experts in the field and rose to the top as the best distributors in the organization. This is true for winners in every field - Network Marketing is a good example. The ex mailman who makes a million dollars in Pre-Paid Legal simply followed the system with no compromise or deviation.

And so when we set up DollarMakers, we created a proven system for aspiring Joint Venture Brokers to follow. Everything you need to succeed is provided. I decided what tools and input you would need to be able to see things in such a way and condition your mind in such a manner to be able to retire in one year, if you followed the system, and I created the tools and the system for you. And I created the Club (we also have the DollarMakers Women’s Club) so that you would find the people you needed easily. All you have to do is what I did. But only if you really want to retire in one year or double and then quadruple the profits in your business.

Here’s what I would do if I discovered DollarMakers and I sincerely wanted to use JV’s to retire in one year. I would join the DollarMakers JV Broker Club, attend every Bootcamp, read the Blog ( every single day, read, watch, and absorb every detail on, get onto every Members Conference Call, attend the yearly Convention, read Robin’s books, and follow his directions. I would reprogram my thinking and take massive, consistent action. I would model his choice of JV’s, and ask questions when I got stuck. I would INSIST on achieving my goal. I would spend every waking hour doing this. And I would definitely succeed. Patrick Giesbrecht retired within seven months of attending a JV Broker Bootcamp in Vancouver.

There is only one reason why people don’t use the system and tools available to them to retire in one year: lack of motivation. Yes. Procrastination, laziness, lack of action, excuses, compromise, and fear are all the result of insufficient motivation. If you knew without a doubt that you and your family would be savagely murdered if you didn’t retire within one year, using JV’s, would you do whatever it takes and succeed? Of course you would. There is no excuse. Every resource you need to become a successful JV broker and retire in a year is available to you. And as a JV Broker, every resource you need is easily available through JV’s!

Yoda told us, “There is no try. There is only do or do not”

Leaking Money

In an earlier article I told about the person who came to service our gas fireplace. He did an excellent job, got paid and left on his merry way to sell, like most other sheeple, more of his most precious, irreplaceable resource, his TIME. What COULD he have done if he wanted more money and more time?

He could create a database of all the people he does work for, a list that could be leveraged over and over again to earn him a huge residual income. He could ask me about my life, my problems, my business, and my lifestyle, looking for areas and specific issues that he could assist me with by referring me to someone. For example, I am looking for someone to install a back-splash in my kitchen. If he knew someone who was competent, and he referred me to that person, he could earn a commission from that laborer.

He could give me a Directory of Trusted Friends which contained Gift Certificates, vouchers, discount coupons, free consultations, samples, and reports. Then, if I used any of those services, he would be paid a commission by the supplier of that service. Home theater, computers, electrical, furnace cleaning, painting, flooring, plumbing, landscaping, window coverings, interior design…. and he could go on to Gift Certificates for jewelry evaluations and cleanings, business services and products, seminars… unlimited opportunities.

Joint Ventures is the most sophisticated way to do business and make money.

Don’t be an Idiot.

Let’s play a game.First, imagine you’re a physician, and someone makes an appointment to come and see you. You’ve been in business for decades and you’re highly respected in your field. After examining the patient, you make your diagnosis and suggest medication and a diet. At that point, the patient tells you he will first discuss your diagnosis with his alcoholic brother, then do research on the Internet for the opinions of Alternative Healers, and he also wonders if he can perhaps change the diet or use one he found at a New Age group. And he finishes by telling you he has decided, in his wisdom, to halve the medication you prescribed. How would you react?

Now let’s imagine you’re a lawyer, and the same scenario occurs. After listening to your client, you give him advice based on years of experience and study, but he feels he will only use part of your advice. How long would it take you to kick him out of your office? When my computer guy tells me what to do, I do exactly what he tells me to do. I precisely follow the advice of the experts I choose to work with.

In my business, I find myself dealing with people who have approached me for my opinion, and who have no idea how Joint Ventures work or how to make money, yet find it necessary to second-guess, adjust and adapt, and get “second opinions” from their equally inept and broke friends or, worse still, “personal coach”. Shoot me now! That is why I stopped personal consulting (this for the special benefit of the person who emailed me asking about my hourly consulting fee, and signed it’s name “J”). Too frustrating.

Here’s the solution:If you’re not a Member of DollarMakers, don’t e mail me until you are. No free advice, and I don’t JV with Non-Members. If you are a Member, don’t insult your own intelligence by second-guessing my advice. You don’t have to take my advice, of course, but don’t second-guess it. It will be hard to get another response from me. Here’s an example: Robin: “Do 1,2,5,and 8, like I do.” You: “What if I try 9,11,18, and 80?” Don’t be an idiot.

Leaking Gas!

We had the fellow come over to service our gas fireplace today. He painted, cleaned, checked, and then showed me the seal. It was leaking carbon monoxide and had to be replaced. He showed me how the wrong seals shrink and get brittle, and eventually there’s a whole lot of poison gas escaping. And he said that only about 25% of people ever have the gas fireplaces checked, and only twelve people in the Lower Mainland do the job he does. Scary.

A friend of committed suicide in his car using carbon monoxide from the exhaust, and the doctor told me that your body is paralyzed and your mind is clear before you die; you know you’re going to die and there’s nothing you can do about it. You could tell by looking at my dead friend’s face.

Now that I have your undiluted attention, let me tell you that many of us are allowing poison into our lives and it does have a cumulative, paralyzing effect. Had I arrived earlier at my friend’s house, I might have saved him, but he couldn’t save himself. And I wouldn’t have known about the gas leak had I not had Dale, the service man, come and look at it. We need good people in our lives that will point out the poison and help us escape. Some people themselves are poisonous, and they usually come in the form of jovial, smiling, hugging piranhas.

I saw a giant, hooded cobra on a horse ranch in Rhodesia - it was a few feet away from me, and I understood how small animals and small people can be paralyzed with fear. One drop of poison from certain snakes can kill many people in an instant. There are a few poisonous snake people around that will bankrupt you if you get too close to them.

Here’s my point: be careful whom you work with and associate with. Be selective and stay close to your core group, because there is strength in numbers and the Mastermind concept works when you have the right people in your corner. When you feel yourself getting stuck and paralyzed with fear, analysis, or indecision, call on your core group for perspective.

Making Success Easy

Success is actually a lot easier than most people think it is.

“Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”
Sometimes this is considered to be the motto of the United States Postal Service. It is in fact a translation of a line written in the fifth century BCE by Herodotus, in which he praises the stamina and persistence of messengers on horses in the service of Xerxes, King of Persia.

A self-made man who earns $200,000 per month was asked what the secret is to his success. His answer: “Consistency and persistency”. He should know. It’s easy to quit, to procrastinate, to make excuses. The road to success is dotted with many tempting picnic spots. Successful people finish the job before they rest. If they stop, it’s to sharpen the proverbial saw.

How can I suggest that success is easy? Dale Carnegie said, “Don’t be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.” That’s why. One step at a time, insisting on completing what you start, minute-by-minute discipline, and before you know it. you’ll be at the winning line. In one year’s time, you will surely arrive somewhere. The question is: Where will you arrive? What activities will you put into the year?

Josh Billings said, “Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.” Really - just keep on keeping on. Don’t stop. One more step. One more call. One more hour when everyone else has gone to the game. Hanging in there when everyone discourages you and laughs at your lofty goals. Demanding success. Going the extra mile.

Winners expect to win, they believe in themselves, and they don’t consider the idea of giving up. They’re not cowardly deserters. They show up. They don’t need to be cajoled, bribed, enticed, threatened, motivated, reminded, or called - they are reliable, consistent, and persistent. The cream rises to the top; you don’t have to remind it to do so. Here’s a simple question to ask yourself throughout the day: “Is this choice, activity, or action taking me towards my objective, or away from it?”

Yard by yard, it’s hard. Inch by inch, success is a cinch.

How FAST Can You Make Money?

Do you need money FAST? Want to avoid waiting, write-backs, cancellations, refunds, and other dissappointments that slow your income down?

Joint Venture Brokers and aspiring Joint Venture Brokers should always be aware of the speed of the flow of cash. I normally suggest 10% long term income, 10% medium term income, and 80% short term income from your JV’s. Many of the short term income flows will add to and become medium and long term. By carefully choosing which JV’s should get your attention for fast money, you can avoid the sleepless nights that result from slow flow.

Whether you’re looking at JV’s that are high tech, low tech, slow tech, or no tech, here are some pointers to help you decide which will be fastest. Remember, fastest should also be safest, since you probably need the cash and can’t afford slip-ups and non-payment.

1. Choose a JV partner that is cash rich. If your partner has no money, watch how he tries to get all the money flowing through his business and watch how you wait for money that will probably never show up. A strong, credible, and proven partner is a necessity. Don’t be naive - don’t believe everything you hear. Most people are not what they seem to be. Do your own due diligence.

2. Make sure you understand the business process.If you’re involved in property, get ready for long waits, lots of disappointments and games, and lots of loopholes. Be aware of how the transactions flow, how payment is made, when it is made, and who controls it. Beware of “money back guarantees” which are often a front for blatant theft.

3. Get it in writing and get it signed, so you have leverage. Do this right at the start. Be specific and make sure everyone understands what is going on.

4. Manage the transactions - don’t let your JV partner’s cash flow problems become your cash flow problems as he lies and makes excuses to make you wait while he uses your money. Put yourself into the transaction loop, especially automated transactions so that others know that you know.

5. Multiple, smaller transactions spread the risk. Telling lies seems to be a popular hobby and people will tell you whatever you want to hear, painting pretty pictures of things they hope for but seldom occur. Many cash transactions, leverage, a solid back end, and a strong business that makes payment lend definite security.

6. Negotiate! Tell your JV partner what your needs are, and remember that when you ask for something, you get one of only three responses: Yes, No, or a Counter Offer. Set up an uncomplicated system that you can impact fast with hard work and focus.

In a nutshell, you can earn real cash very fast with the right JV partner and the right setup.When your JV partner understands your needs and you prove that you can deliver what you promise, you’ll be amazed at how flexible people can be. Cash flow is the biggest challenge most people face, and Joint Ventures is the best solution I have ever found, especially since they take very little time and everything you earn is 100%. Most businesses are sitting on easy cash flow options they never even dreamed of. Let me repeat that: Most businesses are sitting on easy cash flow options they never even dreamed of.

Whether you have a business or not, JV’s will be the fastest money your ever met (and I never met a dollar I didn’t like).

Robin J. Elliott

Be a Warrior

First, define in detail your purpose and mission. Then mercilessly subjugate all trivia and non-essentials to this, your magnificent obsession.

If Freedom is your raison d’etre,for example, any thing or person that restricts, impedes, or threatens that freedom is anathema to you. A warrior knows that when you befriend his sworn enemy, you, too, instantly become his enemy. He will not tolerate enemies within his camp, anymore than you would willingly imbibe poison.

While most of our enemies are people, many of our enemies are concepts, constructs, and philosophies. But your biggest enemy is the person you see in the mirror each day. Truly successful people are their own best friends, and they never let themselves down.

How Big Can You Get?

Many people think that Joint Ventures are limited to outdated Internet affiliate / marketing courses for thousands of dollars by dubious characters who feed off the vulnerable, desperate, and moronic masses, or a commission paid on a referral for a $300 print job. On the other end of the spectrum, they think of sophisticated, multimillion dollar merges and acquisitions and commodity brokers who live in mansions on the French Riviera, like my friend Simon. The reality is, you can get as big as you like, from a humble five thousand dollars a month from five different sources to a solid JV that makes you a few million. Two simple and true examples follow, which illustrate my point.

Two ordinary hospital orderlies were told the hospital they worked for was about to go bankrupt since not enough doctors were referring patients to it, so they borrowed money and attended an expensive seminar to learn how to buy a business for no money down. After the seminar they approached the hospital administrator and asked him how many doctors would need to refer patients to the hospital in order for it to break even and get out of debt. They were told that forty referring doctors would do the trick, and that sixty was their capacity. Undaunted, the orderly orderlies used the information they had learned on the pricey seminar to put together a proposal for doctors to invest $100,000 each in order to buy ownership in the hospital.

To their surprise, they only contacted seven doctors and they were inundated with offers. They got 70 doctors to each invest $100,000, earning them seven million dollars, of which they each took two million and used the rest to buy the hospital. They controlled the deal and management, each with a $300,000 per year salary and 30% ownership between them. They repeated this fourteen times across the US. I wonder what the other delegates to the same seminar did with the knowledge they obtained.

Then there was the fellow who wanted to buy a hotel in California for $1.5 million. He met with the hotel owner and a trade dollar broker, and issued $3 million trade dollars in vouchers for food and accommodation, to be used over the next five years. The broker paid him $1.5 million for these vouchers, which he used to buy the hotel. Bearing in mind the 80% breakage on the vouchers, his 32% food cost, 10% room cost, and the fact that the value of the vouchers would steadily decline against price increases over the next five years, he was sitting pretty.

Your earning limitations with Joint Ventures are threefold: The people you deal with, the training and support you get, and your own mind and attitude. We can help you with the the first two.

Robin J. Elliott