Does Your Joint Venture Partner Have a Scarcity Mentality?

Many entrepreneurs and wanna-be entrepreneurs are terrified of competition, and this is evidenced by business networking groups who only allow one representative of each industry to attend their events. The “Shrinking Pie” mentality posits that there is only so much to go around. This disempowering approach is built on a timid philosophy of scant resources and lack, and is usually manifested as aggression. (Fear often incarnates as aggression.) Someone with a Scarcity Mentality focuses on shortage, risk, what can go wrong, and insufficiency. And whatever you focus on is guaranteed to grow.
Your mind is a magnet. When you are consumed by thoughts of poverty and privation, guess what kind of people you will attract into your life? This victim mindset is programmed for failure and disappointment. We seek evidence to prove our dominant beliefs, and those who mistakenly believe that everyone is out to rip them off and undermine their success will subconsciously sabotage themselves to prove themselves right. We have to be congruent, and our circumstances will always bend to reflect our self-esteem and beliefs. For example, the person who is genuinely convinced that they can’t make money will show up late for appointments, and when successful people decide to no longer do business with them because of their tardiness, they will whine, “See, I told you!” The Self Fulfilling Prophecy I not a figment of some author’s imagination.
When a penurious intellect is offered a lucrative business opportunity, its first reaction will be, “What’s the catch?” and it will immediately go on the defense and start making excuses to remain poor, mediocre and passively aggressive. They actively look for reasons why the opportunity is a scam and a hoax, while the winners eagerly grab the opportunity and rush off to make more money. Losers will seek reasons why they will fail. “It’s a holiday – there won’t be any people around to attend the seminar. It’s too expensive – nobody can afford that! (they’re projecting their own lack) I won’t make enough money! I’m being taken advantage of! What if I fail? (you’re already failing, buddy) What can go wrong?”
These people will contaminate your business, undermine your success and bleed you dry. They will discourage you, dissuade you and depress you. And they’re unlikely to change. They are a cancer on capitalism and a danger to your success. They are poison to profits and they will subconsciously do their best to drag you down to their level of despondency. Worst of all, they will attack anyone who is more successful than they are; jealously is a very common attribute of this type of person. The only way to deal with them is to drop kick them to the curb. Fast and decisively. Squish them like cockroaches and replace them with an ambitious, determined and disciplined optimist. It’s better to have no JV than a JV with a loser. And there are many great JV partners to be had. There is an abundance of money and opportunities out there, just waiting for you.
Look at nature – how many leaves on one tree? How much water in the ocean? How many trees and rocks? Focus on affluence, plentitude and abundance and you will attract it into our life. Self discipline, high standards and self-confidence will result in prosperity and luxury for you. Expect to succeed in all you do. Associate with winners, not whiners. Set great goals and believe in your dreams. A life of plenty is easily available to you through Joint Ventures, as long as you have the right JV partners. Your generous Abundance Mentality is creating a life of power and prosperity for you, and a plethora of options. Freedom is the result of right thinking. Your circumstances are a revelation of your thoughts and beliefs. Look at someone’s circumstances, listen to them talk, and decide whether or not they have what it takes to be your JV partner.
Robin J. Elliott