Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Atomic Power of Joint Ventures

Most entrepreneurs have been taught that you have three options with any prospect. First, you can sell them something. Second, you can sell them more than once. And third, they may refer new business to you. This is a linear, traditional way of thinking. In today’s world, we have to think in terms of viral marketing and multiple impacts. In order to illustrate a simple Joint Venture scenario, let’s use the example of someone who recently joined the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum. We’ll call her Carol. She has one thousand clients who know, respect, and trust her. How can she use Joint Ventures to make a serious amount of money, fast?

I suggested Carol start off by leasing a Replicator Website, which will track all business and pay her up to 50% of all sales, including the sales of audio downloads, training, Memberships, more replicator sites, my book, etc. I would then write a very compelling letter for her to send to her database and friends, inviting them to visit her site and obtain a complimentary audio download, which I would create specially for her clients – applicable to their specific type of business. Carol would send out this email and two follow-up e mails, which could make her a significant amount of money.

Then she would send each of her thousand clients five Gift Certificates as a Thank You Gesture for their loyalty and patronage. Each gift Certificate would offer her clients a complimentary service worth at least $100. The supplier of the service would pay for the printing and postage. For example, a business consultant might offer a complimentary consultation worth $150. Each Gift Certificate would be designed to provide real value and entice the user to buy more of the service. Carol would have negotiated an ongoing percentage of all the business resulting from each of these 5,000 Gift Certificates that she distributes. In other words, when any of her clients started using the business consultant, accountant, lawyer, yoga trainer, spa or coach, Carol would receive a monthly check from that service provider of 20% of the total monthly bill. This would create ongoing, multiple streams of passive income for her

Then, Carol could offer her clients a range of special prizes, all sponsored, which they could win. The way they could win these prizes would be to get everyone they know onto a certain conference call or to attend a seminar, which I would present, and the client who put the most people onto the call or into the seminar, would win the top prize. That way, Carol would use viral marketing to access her clients’ databases with their permission. One of her clients has 10,000 people in her database. Any sales resulting from the Conference Call or Seminar would earn Carol additional income.

I could go on all night with different ways in which Carol could continually add value to her clients and make more and more money, in more and more diverse ways, as well as significantly grow her database.

In the above scenarios, Carol did not spend one cent. She continually gave away valuable information, prizes and services to her clients at every turn, as a thank you gesture for their patronage. She never tried to sell them anything. I would conservatively expect her to make at least $15,000 and an ongoing revenue stream in addition to that. This is all pure profit to her. This system of accessing databases, giving stuff away at no cost, adding massive unprecedented and unexpected value and continually, exponentially expanding the options and reach, is typical of the atomic power of Joint Ventures.

Another simple example is one of our members who is encouraging a large organization to purchase a large number of my books. We would brand the books for the organization and it would sell the books as a fundraiser. Sponsors would pay for the books. The Sponsors would be mentioned in every book, resulting in great advertising for the Sponsors. The Member would have all references to Joint Ventures in the book mention his particular Replicator Website, which will generate a significant amount of income for him. He will also earn a commission on all books bought by the organization (paid for by the Sponsors) since he is initiating the deal. In addition, we would include Gift Certificates in the books and the Member would earn an ongoing commission on all business generated by all the Gift Certificates.
Find out more about Joint Ventures at

Robin J. Elliott


This is a subject of great import and very close to my heart. As my highest value is personal freedom, I continue to learn important lessons about the dangers of attachment. When I use the word “Attachment”, the context is the following: You are “attached” to any thing, person, emotion, circumstance, outcome, opinion, event, etc., that you think you need, can’t succeed without, can’t do without, can’t be happy without, can’t live without and simply must have. You consider the object of your attachment essential to your life in some way or another.

Attachment is an emotional state. It is a chosen state. It is not objective by subjective. It is based on beliefs, mysticism, perceptions, interpretations, fear, insecurity, hopes, and dreams. It often has to do with pride, a sense of scarcity, a poor self-image, desperation and a victim mentality. Any thing, person or event that you are attached to, controls you. And so there are some unscrupulous people out there who would give you a lot of false evidence to make you believe that you need what they have or control. This gives them control over you. The witch doctors, manipulators, politicians and collectivists out there have a field day with attachment.

How do you know what controls your life and choices? Whatever you are attached to, controls you. How do you know what you are attached to? Ask yourself a simple question: “What and whom do I believe I need?” The problem with attachment, to begin with, is that it is usually emotional and illogical. And it’s usually unnecessary! Your perception is your reality; however, it is not necessarily objectively true. Whatever you are attached to is your prison, your jailor, your torturer and your boss. They convince you that you’re crippled and then they sell you crutches. When you say, “I need”, you are admitting attachment, hence weakness. When you say, “I must have”, or “I can’t”, someone or something is controlling you, just like a nicotine addict that is controlled by his disgusting addiction to cigarettes. The person who controls his nicotine is his dealer and he is the junkie. Your attachment is your pimp. Others would use false guilt, shame, altruism and lies to shackle us in their putrid prisons.

You were born naked and alone and that’s how you will die. Get used to it. We go through life trading our inheritance for a bowl of soup, selling our opportunities for the acceptance and false smiles of evil mystics, buying things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people who don’t care. We compromise our values and become sycophants because we believe we “Need a job”. We trade time with our children for time with people we don’t like, because we “Need the money”. We do what our masters program us to do. We drink our Kool Aid and obey. We are slaves to our attachments. We live lives of mediocre desperation, fear and frustration because of these meaningless, illogical attachments.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Cults, group dynamics, brainwashing, politics and mystics get rich and powerful because we refuse to question, stand up, oppose, speak up and disobey. You are not responsible for or to other people. You can break free from attachments. Think about this simple article – It could change your life.
That is why my business is based on Joint Ventures; I am do not have to depend on any one person, which means I can walk away from any business relationship at any time. Nobody can control or manipulate me. I have minimal overhead, no leases, no employees, no debt, and no geographical or business boundaries. I create an increasing number of passive income sources from a variety of different businesses and locations. My income is widely spread across multiple relationships and Joint Ventures. So I don’t have to compromise, kow-tow or roll over for anyone. When someone tries to control of manipulate me, I can walk away from the relationship if I wish, with relatively little financial consequence. I don’t provide consulting services and I don’t trade time for money, either. I can live wherever I like and still run my business. I can work in any business arena I choose and I don’t get bored. That is my business freedom: no attachments. Money buys choice, time, freedom, dignity and personal growth.

The book that conveys this message of Objectivism better than I ever could is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Change your perception and philosophy and you will break free of attachments and achieve your goals. Regain your joy, dignity, self esteem, enthusiasm and optimism. Be free. Your freedom is not negotiable - insist on it. You're an Eagle - get out of the hen house.

Robin J. Elliott