Thursday, January 27, 2005

Joint Ventures – Your Unlimited Opportunity©

"He who has a thing to sell, and whispers it into a well, is not as apt to make a dollar, than he who climbs a tree andhollers."

This information is based on my experience over many years of doing business successfully in Africa, Canada and the United Sates, using the leverage of Joint Ventures, incorporating the Mastermind, Strategic Alliances and Barter to do business and create value and wealth with no money and no risk. Tried and tested, proven in the field with thousands of business owners, these principles work on one condition: You can only succeed in Joint Ventures with people who are honest, professional, smart and disciplined. Once you have found people like that, JV’s can open the doors to unlimited wealth and success for you.
~ Robin J. Elliott (JV & Business Broker and Serial Entrepreneur)

Joint Ventures work when people realize that we don’t have to own skills, money, employees, inventory or other resources in order to do business, create value and make money. And it can be done VERY FAST if we use existing resources.

Your business can skyrocket to new levels of performance and profitability using Joint Ventures. The purpose of Joint Ventures is to access new markets, grow your business and access new competencies, while leveraging your hidden assets and business partnering to optimize sales and profits. Don't create competencies; borrow them. Don't compete; partner. Two companies essentially spawn a new company. One plus one equals three through synergistic and exponential growth. JV's inject new energy, excitement, commitment, loyalty, purpose, optimism, enthusiasm, creativity and fun into businesses. This increases value and thus profits. From Proctor and Gamble, Wal-Mart and Pfizer, to Sony, Tom's Corner Cafe and Bert's Dog Grooming, business owners are discovering the magic of Joint Ventures. In fact, you don't even need a business, a product or a service to make money from Joint Ventures.

If I was to add Bob’s dog grooming services to Alan’s Animal Hospital and everyone (me, included) got a piece of the action, I could literally start earning money immediately. The distribution channel is already in place. The overhead is already paid for. This is incremental business with the corresponding high profit margin. All Alan has to do is offer each of his clients the option to use Bob’s dog grooming services. He could hand them a discount voucher or merely a flyer. That is additional business for Bob, with no cost of sales (acquisition cost) at all. Bob has already paid salaries, rent and other overhead, so it’s found money for him. He pays you and Alan a commission on all the business thus generated. Everyone wins. This money is 100% profit in Alan’s hands. And at no risk, because you set it all up.

Joint Ventures can be very simple or more involved, but they usually cost very little to set in place, because most of the infrastructure already exists. If I sell landscaping, I can piggy-back my service on a realtor’s services. Or I can TRIANGULATE that deal – I don’t have to own the landscaping service or be a realtor to make money from that JV.

“Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass” – Paul. J. Meyer.

Napoleon Hill educated millions on the power of the Mastermind. He said: “The ‘Master Mind’ may be defined as: ‘Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.’ No individual may have great power without availing himself of the ‘Master Mind.’"
“We do not conquer mountains, nor tame elements. The true conquest lies in penetrating the mental barriers; those self-imposed limitations that we carry in our minds.” -Sharon Wood (First North American woman to the summit of Mt. Everest)

Together, we can do amazing things.
Tap into other peoples’ goodwill, database, capital, time, distribution channels, sales efforts, everything. Upsell existing customers on a new, additional product or service. The sky’s the limit.

Do you have or control anything that other JV partners would want?

The KEY is finding Good, Honest, Smart people. Start with people you know and trust: NEER: Naturally Existing Economic Relationships.

Talk in the other person’s interests, not your own:
When we understand that people are basically self-interested and that they don’t care about what you want, but rather about what they want, we should change our approach. Instead of thrusting your business card at someone and telling them how great you are and begging for their money, smart operators think about what THEY want.
Imagine your response if someone was to approach you with the following pitch:
“What can I do to help you achieve your goals? How can I use my resources and the resources and hidden assets of my network of associates, friends, family, customers and vendors, to help you? How can I utilize my distribution channels, relationships, underutilized assets, salespeople, personnel and equipment, to generate more business for you?” I’m sure very few people, if any, have approached you in that way, right?
By the same token, you could approach someone with this offer: “If I bring you access to markets, prospects, buyers, customers, advertising, that you never had and I turnkey it all, can I have 50% of the profit?”
You’re offering Found money – incremental profits and no upfront costs or risk.

If you want to open the door to JV’s with successful people, you have to differentiate your approach. They’re being hit on multiple times every day, but few if any are using this approach. Do your homework; study their websites, Google them, do your research and due diligence and be well prepared for your meeting. Forget about what you want and concentrate on looking for ways to benefit them. You will definitely get their attention. That’s why my website is called,

Let’s look at some FREE options for promoting and selling services and products:

Remember, you don’t even have to own a business to make money from JV’s, but it does help to have one.

1. Use your own, or others’, E Newsletters (ezines). The two ezines that I write (Eagle Attitude and Entrepreneur Newsletter) each reach over 6,000 people internationally every week. My cost to have an ezine sent out every week is only $50 per month! Regular information that is actually READ, ids a powerful communication and selling tool. Use others’ ezines – I write for someone else’s ezine that reaches 20,000 people per week. That’s great free exposure for me. Other people use my articles free of charge, in exchange for displaying my contact information and giving me credit for the writing.

2. Use a BLOG – mine works well for me, and I use my ezine articles on it. It’s FREE!

3. Use a website. has made me hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales.

4. Give away free reports and e books like this one – free advertising and you get to create massive credibility. (Given that you know what you’re talking about.)

5. Give away or sell audio CD’s, or have them available free of charge in audio streaming on your website.

6. Give away free CD’s and charge for Shipping and Handling to cover your costs and even make a profit. Team up with others who already have CD’s made. Use my CD’s to market your business. I can show you how to do that. Use other peoples’ skills, competencies and resources.

7. Offer to convert other people’s inactive customers into active customers for an on-going piece of the action. This idea, alone, can be worth a fortune to you, when you consider the amount of customer attrition going on.

8. Piggy-back your product or someone else’s product, on to existing sales streams and have someone else’s sales team sell your products and services as an add-on to their existing sales.

9. Convert unconverted leads or triangulate the deal. Switch leads between two realtors and take a piece of the action.

10. Find people who have products they can’t move, get the products on consignment and sell them through other people distribution channels – on consignment! No risk.

11. Create multiple add-on sales options – wedding planners, lube centers, webmasters, courier services and home improvement services are great for this.

12. Buy and resell advertising space and / or services.

13. Offer Free Seminars – either you do them or have someone else present them.

14. Sell Bill’s CD’s on consignment through Jack’s gas stations.

15. Free Conference Calls are very powerful selling tools. Interview experts and they will help you sell. You don’t need any skills or money – use other peoples’ skills time, energy and money.
Bundle your products with someone else’s – every time they sell a course, they can include your CD’s!

16. Join forces with your competitors – together you can accomplish a lot more.

17. Share advertising space, mailings, seminars, radio and TV time and database communication.

18. Use Gift Vouchers – give away samples of other peoples’ services and take a piece of the resulting, ongoing business. Carpet cleaning, accounting, consulting, car services,

Always ask yourself, “What does the other party REALLY, REALLY want? What is his or her HOT BUTTON? And always ask them, “What will it take?”

Simple Examples:

1. I gave a restaurant owner 400 free paper placemats, each including some nice graphics and interesting information, PLUS a pitch for my business broking services and my contact information. I also gave him a gumball machine full of gum, with an advertisement for my business services right on top of it. He will get paid a generous commission on any resulting sales.

2. With my friend, Antonio, we created an amazing marketing package for small businesses including 11 CD’s, a powerful marketing program worth $900, plus six months of conference calls and a two day convention in Vegas, all of which sells for just $695.

3. I’m not a realtor, but I recently earned a few thousand dollars on a simple referral to realtor. I do the same with websites, cars, you name it. I don’t need an office or employees and I can work form anywhere in the world where I have access to a telephone and the internet.

I have been arranging JV deals since I was at high school. I was seldom at risk and my business has been thriving for 18 years because of this simple, yet highly effective mindset.

If you qualify, I can show you how to create a joint venture with me, using your existing resources, in one hour. It’s easy to do and it works well, with virtually no cost or risk. It’s a true Win/win deal.
BARTER is a form of Joint Venture.

Leverage and barter underutilized goods, resources, services, capacity, raw materials, storage space, a sales team, personnel, intangible assets like distribution capabilities, etc.

In the 1970’s, Chrysler had 10,000 small cars they couldn’t sell. They exchanged those cars for radio & TV credits all over the country, to be used over a five year period, and traded the cars at full retail. (Window sticker) Their money was tied up in the cars. They weren’t spending cash on the advertising. The radio stations were selling unsold, future time and getting the cars right away.
Chrysler took the advertising credits to the bank and got money on them to pay for the manufacture of more cars that were sold with the advertising, so the bank financed the whole program! The radio and TV credits appreciated in value over the five years! That’s leverage.

Restaurants – a $10 meal costs around $3. The restaurant can barter that for $10 meal for $10 worth of radio advertising or whatever, so they’re saving 70%! Plus there are incremental sales – people buy drinks, tip waiters, new customers are generated that continue to spend money. The gift certificates are called SCRIP in the Barter business. The advertising they bought brings in more customers. A lot of the meal vouchers are never cashed in – this is called BREAKAGE. Remember, the overhead is already covered – electricity, server salaries, uniforms, telephone, etc., is already paid for, so the profit is high.

A commercial printing business has staff and machines on hand but not is fully utilized. His only cost is the paper and ink. The rent and payroll is already paid. So he can produce printing very cheaply and trade it for things he needs now, without using cash.

Soft dollars and hard dollars: Trade TV sets that cost $300 at $1,000 retail, for hotel rooms that cost $7 and retail at $100. Both win. Soft Dollars are Barter Dollars and Hard Dollars is cash. Conserve your cash by setting up barter deals.
That’s why we’re called,

HOTEL EXAMPLE – trade room for $100, cost is only $7.
If the average person spends $50 in other services that the hotel has, and your cost is only $7, you’ve made extra cash right away, plus many gift certificates never got utilized! AND you got 100% retail value in barter! And you can sell bartered goods and services for CASH.

A Beverley Hills hotel was bought out of Chapter 11 and immediately issued $3 million worth of rooms, food and drink credits to be used over a five year period. Scrip brokers bought it up for $1.5 million in cash. They cash converted future rooms.

Cash converting means trading for goods or services and then immediately selling those goods / services for cash.

Advertisers of a Shopping Mall set up a deal to pay people back the money they spent in the mall. “Prove you spent $1000 in the mall and we’ll give you $1,000 in cash!” This creates what we call THE FLOW – it’s ongoing, resulting business from barter. Store owners in the mall happily paid for advertising because they knew that, this way, it was much cheaper – they only paid for the cost of goods sold (They reimbursed the retail price) so this was cheap advertising – it forced people to buy in the mall.

Dentists and doctors, chiropractors and consultants, couriers, web masters, writers and such trade or barter services. I know a dentist who traded dental work for radio advertising.

Instead of using cash and time, spend more time thinking about value and JV’s!

You can exchange apartments for services and pay your employees and vendors with barter and apartments,
Barter SCRIP is like printing money. It can be transferred and assigned - it’s legal tender.
Scrip Expiration dates – the further out, the better – there are many permutations. BREAKAGE is the barter credits which aren’t used – up to 40%!

SET up a barter deal and take a piece of the action/ savings in cash or in scrip that you can convert to cash.

Remember: The key to successful JV’s is the people who are involved. Integrity, Professionalism, Punctuality, Accountability and Passion and Generosity are essential ingredients.
JV’s is the way business is being done by smart people. Join us and take advantage of this wonderful tool.

My Offer to You:

If you are interested in learning how you can work with me to set up a Joint Venture, feel free to e mail me at with “JV Offer” in the Subject Box, or call me at 604.945.5754. I can’t guarantee that we’ll find a way to work together, but it’s worth talking.

By Robin J. Elliott ~ Copyright.

Recommended Reading for all serious entrepreneurs:
“Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand.

A Story for You

Instead of my usual scintillating article, I decided to write a little story for you this week, dear Readers. Thanks for all your encouraging letters, by the way; much appreciated.

Cadfael Joshua had had a long day and was on his way to the corner store to get some milk. It was unusually quiet. The usual dog guardians, clutching their white plastic doggy-doo bags, were nowhere to be seen. A brisk wind clutched at his legs with the promise of a cool night and a free sample of winter from the snow on the nearby mountains. A few drops of rain plopped onto his Respect hat.

Suddenly, a swift black shadow introduced a bulky, unshaven lout who lunged at Cadfael – it was Weariness, brandishing a huge Fatigue stick over his hatless head of unruly hair. Cadfael reacted automatically with an Energy kick at the brute’s kneecap. Almost instantly, Worry moved in from the shadows with an automatic Fear, pointing directly at Cadfael, who whipped out a Self Confidence and knocked the weapon to the ground. Then he punched him out with a Tenacity. Two against one, but he was winning. He whirled around to see Weariness had extracted a concealed Guilt from his belt and was moving in fast. What now?

Without a second thought, Cadfael delivered a Self Esteem that knocked his opponent right off his feet, just as Worry heaved himself off the ground and was now approaching with the largest Self Doubt Cadfael had ever seen. Our Hero grabbed his faithful Self-reliance and fired three Beliefs right into Worry’s bewildered face. Only Weariness was left, who was lumbering forward wielding a shiny and sharp Laziness, switching it between hands, laughing and ridiculing Cadfael, who responded by blocking with Discipline and delivering a Proactive blow to the throat of his wily attacker. He finished him off with a Positive Expectation and one solid Integrity. It was over.

Sitting in his armchair after dinner, reading Atlas Shrugged, Cadfael poured himself a large Vision and put some Goals and Courage on a plate for a snack. Another day done. He had sown good things and he smiled, knowing that the future he was creating was bright, indeed. In his daily battles with Mediocrity and his treacherous band of Collectivists, Cadfael (which means Prince of Battle) knew that he had to stay alert and in shape. His personal trainer, Napoleon Hill, and mentor, Winston Churchill, along with his advisors, Ayn Rand and a stable of other winners, helped him stay focused and on track. They lived on his bookshelf and his CD rack, always on duty, always available to support and guide him. But he was the leader and the point man. He initiated, he took responsibility and he got the accolades.

In our daily lives, we’re wise to align ourselves with winners, Eagles and mentors who can sustain and direct us. Every choice counts.