"What will it Take?"

You can remove the guesswork from your transactions by using this approach. For example, you might say, “Mr. Faulty, I would like very much to enjoy the hospitality of your fishing lodge for a week with my wife in June. And I would like to trade you for the privilege. Now, in order to cut to the chase and avoid wasting your valuable time or offering you stuff that isn’t of interest to you, may I ask you, in exchange for that week at your Lodge, what will it take? What are you looking for that I might be able to deliver to you that could be more valuable than a simple monetary transaction?”
You might be amazed at the response. Mr. Faulty might respond that if you bring a party of six, he will only charge you for four people. Or he might be looking for a canoe that he can rent out to his guests, and you might just have access to one. Or he might want something that you can purchase with Trade Dollars. Perhaps he would be satisfied with advertising exposure that you could arrange through a Joint Venture. Be well prepared for the meeting and, having done your homework, be well armed with some juicy options, like the aforementioned advertising exposure, seats on seminars, consultations, Gift Certificates (“How about I give you $10,000 worth of Gift Certificates that you can offer your clients in order to increase loyalty, referrals and return business, Mr. Faulty?”) and so on.
“You have not, because you ask”, could also be “You have not, because you ask the wrong questions”. And because you have not done your due diligence to find out what it is that Mr. Faulty really WANTS, as opposed to what you might imagine he NEEDS. Is it more important, for example, for him to get more guests or to make more money from his existing guests? Is it an introduction to someone, a new supplier, or access to a database? Use this powerful question and you may be amazed at the responses you get. “What will it take?”
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com