At the Joint Venture Broker Bootcamp I presented to fifty people in Calgary on Saturday, a delegate came up to me and told me that he is going to “Robinize” his business. I asked him what he meant, and he replied that he was going to turn all his sales and marketing systems into “No Money, No Risk”, contingency systems as I do in my business. He said that from now on, he would only pay for results. He is going to turn his employees into real workers who get paid for production instead of outdated qualifications, hype, and trumped-up resumes. He is going to demand performance instead of posturing. That’s what he means by “Robinizing” his business.
So, if you’re on the road to Cashflow Coma, perhaps you should consider Robinizing. If you’re tired of building a little Mother Russia in your business, Robinize those employees and pay them much more money. Call your advertisers and tell them that you’re going to be paying for results from now on – contingency advertising is Robinizing. Stop giving away free referrals and start demanding generous compensation for every referral you hand out on that silver tray of yours. Dig a deep hole in the back yard, bury your Altruism deep, and cover it with big rocks. Take your Capitalism out of that old brown leather suitcase in the attic, dust it off, shine it up, and put it back on the shelf, along with your Dreams and Expectations.
Call your “Coach” and let him or her know that from now on he or she will share the incremental profits they create in your business – no more big bucks for banal banter. Robinize them! Take any activities and relationships that show a low return or no return on your investment of time and money, douse them in gasoline, and unceremoniously drop them into your smelly old basement incinerator. Robinize your time by refusing to return calls to losers, whiners, pitchers, relatives of Homer Simpson and friends of the Trailer Park Boys. Learn to say “No” to Mr. Risk and “Yes” to Mr. Generous Reciprocity. Slam the door of opportunity hard on the bony fingers of Ms. Procrastinator, while shouting, “Ya snooze, ya loose, lady!”
Robinizing is easy: next time you hear some sleazy salesman slyly soliciting your hard-earned dollars for some far-fetched, pie-in-the-sky New Coke deal, simply smile at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, “What would Robin do?” I know this sounds Trumpish, arrogant and even condescending, but ask yourself this question: “Isn’t it time I started paying for results instead of feeding fat leeches?”
Robin J. Elliott