Be Not Discouraged; Fight On!

Albert Einstein said, "Great spirits encounter violent opposition from mediocre people." Do you see yourself as a great spirit? How motivated are you to make your dreams come true? Thomas Edison said, “I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” Conformists and cowards are always ready to quit. They turn tail at the first sign of discomfort. In addition, they always blame someone else. They flit from one fad to another and never achieve anything of significance in their lives.
Frederick Douglass said, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without ploughing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning.” When your goals are worthwhile, important and valuable, your passion is high and your commitment will blow away any hindrances along the way. When you’re looking at the sun, you hardly notice the shadows.
On my bathroom mirror, I have large yellow sticker that says, “UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS”, and when I look at my pretty face, I see this just above my head. My self-image is that of a warrior. I was drafted into the army at seventeen but I have always had some military involvement and interest, ever since I can remember. I watch the Military Channel. Recently in Hawaii, there was a military parade one day. I took more photos of the parade and the military aircraft and vehicles than anything else! True warriors do not retreat. They do not desert. Warriors are focused and courageous.
Sam Walton understood winning. He said, “High expectations are the key to everything.” The bigger your goals, the easier it is to overcome difficulties. To a warrior, the enemy is a mere distraction to be destroyed and overcome on the way to victory. Losers worship obstacles – that is their excuse to be mediocre. They build statues to honor army deserters. Who is your enemy? Anyone who gets between you and your goals. Do not fraternize with the enemy. Chose your soldiers in arms carefully.
Finally, Ted Turner said, “Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise.” Whatever you focus on will increase. The only attention your enemy should get is whatever it takes to take him out of the picture – then get back to work. Be not discouraged. Be an Eagle. Fly high. Insist on winning. Set higher goals. Join the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum.
Robin J. Elliott